Lucknow: To ensure 100 per cent enrolment in primary and upper primary schools in Uttar Pradesh, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will launch the 'School Chalo Abhiyan' from Shravasti district on Monday. This will be an effort by the state government towards shaping the future of primary education and holistic development of primary schools, an official release issued here stated. The chief minister has instructed officials that districts with low literacy rate should be prioritised and primary schools in the state should be equipped with better facilities, it stated.
Lucknow: To ensure 100 per cent enrolment in primary and upper primary schools in Uttar Pradesh, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will launch the 'School Chalo Abhiyan' from Shravasti district on Monday. This will be an effort by the state government towards shaping the future of primary education and holistic development of primary schools, an official release issued here stated. The chief minister has instructed officials that districts with low literacy rate should be prioritised and primary schools in the state should be equipped with better facilities, it stated.Lucknow: To ensure 100 per cent enrolment in primary and upper primary schools in Uttar Pradesh, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will launch the 'School Chalo Abhiyan' from Shravasti district on Monday. This will be an effort by the state government towards shaping the future of primary education and holistic development of primary schools, an official release issued here stated. The chief minister has instructed officials that districts with low literacy rate should be prioritised and primary schools in the state should be equipped with better facilities, it stated.Lucknow: To ensure 100 per cent enrolment in primary and upper primary schools in Uttar Pradesh, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will launch the 'School Chalo Abhiyan' from Shravasti district on Monday. This will be an effort by the state government towards shaping the future of primary education and holistic development of primary schools, an official release issued here stated. The chief minister has instructed officials that districts with low literacy rate should be prioritised and primary schools in the state should be equipped with better facilities, it stated.Lucknow: To ensure 100 per cent enrolment in primary and upper primary schools in Uttar Pradesh, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will launch the 'School Chalo Abhiyan' from Shravasti district on Monday. This will be an effort by the state government towards shaping the future of primary education and holistic development of primary schools, an official release issued here stated. The chief minister has instructed officials that districts with low literacy rate should be prioritised and primary schools in the state should be equipped with better facilities, it stated.Lucknow: To ensure 100 per cent enrolment in primary and upper primary schools in Uttar Pradesh, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will launch the 'School Chalo Abhiyan' from Shravasti district on Monday. This will be an effort by the state government towards shaping the future of primary education and holistic development of primary schools, an official release issued here stated. The chief minister has instructed officials that districts with low literacy rate should be prioritised and primary schools in the state should be equipped with better facilities, it stated.Lucknow: To ensure 100 per cent enrolment in primary and upper primary schools in Uttar Pradesh, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will launch the 'School Chalo Abhiyan' from Shravasti district on Monday. This will be an effort by the state government towards shaping the future of primary education and holistic development of primary schools, an official release issued here stated. The chief minister has instructed officials that districts with low literacy rate should be prioritised and primary schools in the state should be equipped with better facilities, it stated.Lucknow: To ensure 100 per cent enrolment in primary and upper primary schools in Uttar Pradesh, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will launch the 'School Chalo Abhiyan' from Shravasti district on Monday. This will be an effort by the state government towards shaping the future of primary education and holistic development of primary schools, an official release issued here stated. The chief minister has instructed officials that districts with low literacy rate should be prioritised and primary schools in the state should be equipped with better facilities, it stated.Lucknow: To ensure 100 per cent enrolment in primary and upper primary schools in Uttar Pradesh, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will launch the 'School Chalo Abhiyan' from Shravasti district on Monday. This will be an effort by the state government towards shaping the future of primary education and holistic development of primary schools, an official release issued here stated. The chief minister has instructed officials that districts with low literacy rate should be prioritised and primary schools in the state should be equipped with better facilities, it stated.Lucknow: To ensure 100 per cent enrolment in primary and upper primary schools in Uttar Pradesh, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will launch the 'School Chalo Abhiyan' from Shravasti district on Monday. This will be an effort by the state government towards shaping the future of primary education and holistic development of primary schools, an official release issued here stated. The chief minister has instructed officials that districts with low literacy rate should be prioritised and primary schools in the state should be equipped with better facilities, it stated.Lucknow: To ensure 100 per cent enrolment in primary and upper primary schools in Uttar Pradesh, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will launch the 'School Chalo Abhiyan' from Shravasti district on Monday. This will be an effort by the state government towards shaping the future of primary education and holistic development of primary schools, an official release issued here stated. The chief minister has instructed officials that districts with low literacy rate should be prioritised and primary schools in the state should be equipped with better facilities, it stated.Lucknow: To ensure 100 per cent enrolment in primary and upper primary schools in Uttar Pradesh, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will launch the 'School Chalo Abhiyan' from Shravasti district on Monday. This will be an effort by the state government towards shaping the future of primary education and holistic development of primary schools, an official release issued here stated. The chief minister has instructed officials that districts with low literacy rate should be prioritised and primary schools in the state should be equipped with better facilities, it stated.Lucknow: To ensure 100 per cent enrolment in primary and upper primary schools in Uttar Pradesh, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will launch the 'School Chalo Abhiyan' from Shravasti district on Monday. This will be an effort by the state government towards shaping the future of primary education and holistic development of primary schools, an official release issued here stated. The chief minister has instructed officials that districts with low literacy rate should be prioritised and primary schools in the state should be equipped with better facilities, it stated.Lucknow: To ensure 100 per cent enrolment in primary and upper primary schools in Uttar Pradesh, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will launch the 'School Chalo Abhiyan' from Shravasti district on Monday. This will be an effort by the state government towards shaping the future of primary education and holistic development of primary schools, an official release issued here stated. The chief minister has instructed officials that districts with low literacy rate should be prioritised and primary schools in the state should be equipped with better facilities, it stated.Lucknow: To ensure 100 per cent enrolment in primary and upper primary schools in Uttar Pradesh, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will launch the 'School Chalo Abhiyan' from Shravasti district on Monday. This will be an effort by the state government towards shaping the future of primary education and holistic development of primary schools, an official release issued here stated. The chief minister has instructed officials that districts with low literacy rate should be prioritised and primary schools in the state should be equipped with better facilities, it stated.Lucknow: To ensure 100 per cent enrolment in primary and upper primary schools in Uttar Pradesh, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will launch the 'School Chalo Abhiyan' from Shravasti district on Monday. This will be an effort by the state government towards shaping the future of primary education and holistic development of primary schools, an official release issued here stated. The chief minister has instructed officials that districts with low literacy rate should be prioritised and primary schools in the state should be equipped with better facilities, it stated.Lucknow: To ensure 100 per cent enrolment in primary and upper primary schools in Uttar Pradesh, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will launch the 'School Chalo Abhiyan' from Shravasti district on Monday. This will be an effort by the state government towards shaping the future of primary education and holistic development of primary schools, an official release issued here stated. The chief minister has instructed officials that districts with low literacy rate should be prioritised and primary schools in the state should be equipped with better facilities, it stated.Lucknow: To ensure 100 per cent enrolment in primary and upper primary schools in Uttar Pradesh, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will launch the 'School Chalo Abhiyan' from Shravasti district on Monday. This will be an effort by the state government towards shaping the future of primary education and holistic development of primary schools, an official release issued here stated. The chief minister has instructed officials that districts with low literacy rate should be prioritised and primary schools in the state should be equipped with better facilities, it stated.Lucknow: To ensure 100 per cent enrolment in primary and upper primary schools in Uttar Pradesh, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will launch the 'School Chalo Abhiyan' from Shravasti district on Monday. This will be an effort by the state government towards shaping the future of primary education and holistic development of primary schools, an official release issued here stated. The chief minister has instructed officials that districts with low literacy rate should be prioritised and primary schools in the state should be equipped with better facilities, it stated.Lucknow: To ensure 100 per cent enrolment in primary and upper primary schools in Uttar Pradesh, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will launch the 'School Chalo Abhiyan' from Shravasti district on Monday. This will be an effort by the state government towards shaping the future of primary education and holistic development of primary schools, an official release issued here stated. The chief minister has instructed officials that districts with low literacy rate should be prioritised and primary schools in the state should be equipped with better facilities, it stated.Lucknow: To ensure 100 per cent enrolment in primary and upper primary schools in Uttar Pradesh, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will launch the 'School Chalo Abhiyan' from Shravasti district on Monday. This will be an effort by the state government towards shaping the future of primary education and holistic development of primary schools, an official release issued here stated. The chief minister has instructed officials that districts with low literacy rate should be prioritised and primary schools in the state should be equipped with better
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