New Delhi: We all are excited to see Vidya Balan in Suresh Triveni's Jalsa. But the actress had initially rejected the film. Vidya Balan recently told news agency PTI, "It has shades of grey which is why when Suresh narrated the script to me, I had loved it, but said I can't do it. I didn't have the guts. Then the pandemic happened and something changed all of us in deep ways that we don't even understand." Jalsa will premiere on Amazon Prime Video on March 18 and also stars Shefali Shah, Iqbal Khan, Manav Kaul, Vidhatri Bandi, Srikant Mohan, Shafeen Patel and Surya Kasibhatla in key roles. At the trailer launch of Jalsa, Vidya Balan also revealed how she finally agreed to do the film. "Then one day when Suresh told me over a general chat that he reworked the script, I said I'd like to hear it again. I knew I wanted to do it, but didn't tell him. I just wanted to read and be sure. I read and I was like, 'I am on'," added Vidya Balan, reported PTI.
New Delhi: We all are excited to see Vidya Balan in Suresh Triveni's Jalsa. But the actress had initially rejected the film. Vidya Balan recently told news agency PTI, "It has shades of grey which is why when Suresh narrated the script to me, I had loved it, but said I can't do it. I didn't have the guts. Then the pandemic happened and something changed all of us in deep ways that we don't even understand." Jalsa will premiere on Amazon Prime Video on March 18 and also stars Shefali Shah, Iqbal Khan, Manav Kaul, Vidhatri Bandi, Srikant Mohan, Shafeen Patel and Surya Kasibhatla in key roles. At the trailer launch of Jalsa, Vidya Balan also revealed how she finally agreed to do the film. "Then one day when Suresh told me over a general chat that he reworked the script, I said I'd like to hear it again. I knew I wanted to do it, but didn't tell him. I just wanted to read and be sure. I read and I was like, 'I am on'," added Vidya Balan, reported PTI.New Delhi: We all are excited to see Vidya Balan in Suresh Triveni's Jalsa. But the actress had initially rejected the film. Vidya Balan recently told news agency PTI, "It has shades of grey which is why when Suresh narrated the script to me, I had loved it, but said I can't do it. I didn't have the guts. Then the pandemic happened and something changed all of us in deep ways that we don't even understand." Jalsa will premiere on Amazon Prime Video on March 18 and also stars Shefali Shah, Iqbal Khan, Manav Kaul, Vidhatri Bandi, Srikant Mohan, Shafeen Patel and Surya Kasibhatla in key roles. At the trailer launch of Jalsa, Vidya Balan also revealed how she finally agreed to do the film. "Then one day when Suresh told me over a general chat that he reworked the script, I said I'd like to hear it again. I knew I wanted to do it, but didn't tell him. I just wanted to read and be sure. I read and I was like, 'I am on'," added Vidya Balan, reported PTI.New Delhi: We all are excited to see Vidya Balan in Suresh Triveni's Jalsa. But the actress had initially rejected the film. Vidya Balan recently told news agency PTI, "It has shades of grey which is why when Suresh narrated the script to me, I had loved it, but said I can't do it. I didn't have the guts. Then the pandemic happened and something changed all of us in deep ways that we don't even understand." Jalsa will premiere on Amazon Prime Video on March 18 and also stars Shefali Shah, Iqbal Khan, Manav Kaul, Vidhatri Bandi, Srikant Mohan, Shafeen Patel and Surya Kasibhatla in key roles. At the trailer launch of Jalsa, Vidya Balan also revealed how she finally agreed to do the film. "Then one day when Suresh told me over a general chat that he reworked the script, I said I'd like to hear it again. I knew I wanted to do it, but didn't tell him. I just wanted to read and be sure. I read and I was like, 'I am on'," added Vidya Balan, reported PTI.New Delhi: We all are excited to see Vidya Balan in Suresh Triveni's Jalsa. But the actress had initially rejected the film. Vidya Balan recently told news agency PTI, "It has shades of grey which is why when Suresh narrated the script to me, I had loved it, but said I can't do it. I didn't have the guts. Then the pandemic happened and something changed all of us in deep ways that we don't even understand." Jalsa will premiere on Amazon Prime Video on March 18 and also stars Shefali Shah, Iqbal Khan, Manav Kaul, Vidhatri Bandi, Srikant Mohan, Shafeen Patel and Surya Kasibhatla in key roles. At the trailer launch of Jalsa, Vidya Balan also revealed how she finally agreed to do the film. "Then one day when Suresh told me over a general chat that he reworked the script, I said I'd like to hear it again. I knew I wanted to do it, but didn't tell him. I just wanted to read and be sure. I read and I was like, 'I am on'," added Vidya Balan, reported PTI.New Delhi: We all are excited to see Vidya Balan in Suresh Triveni's Jalsa. But the actress had initially rejected the film. Vidya Balan recently told news agency PTI, "It has shades of grey which is why when Suresh narrated the script to me, I had loved it, but said I can't do it. I didn't have the guts. Then the pandemic happened and something changed all of us in deep ways that we don't even understand." Jalsa will premiere on Amazon Prime Video on March 18 and also stars Shefali Shah, Iqbal Khan, Manav Kaul, Vidhatri Bandi, Srikant Mohan, Shafeen Patel and Surya Kasibhatla in key roles. At the trailer launch of Jalsa, Vidya Balan also revealed how she finally agreed to do the film. "Then one day when Suresh told me over a general chat that he reworked the script, I said I'd like to hear it again. I knew I wanted to do it, but didn't tell him. I just wanted to read and be sure. I read and I was like, 'I am on'," added Vidya Balan, reported PTI.New Delhi: We all are excited to see Vidya Balan in Suresh Triveni's Jalsa. But the actress had initially rejected the film. Vidya Balan recently told news agency PTI, "It has shades of grey which is why when Suresh narrated the script to me, I had loved it, but said I can't do it. I didn't have the guts. Then the pandemic happened and something changed all of us in deep ways that we don't even understand." Jalsa will premiere on Amazon Prime Video on March 18 and also stars Shefali Shah, Iqbal Khan, Manav Kaul, Vidhatri Bandi, Srikant Mohan, Shafeen Patel and Surya Kasibhatla in key roles. At the trailer launch of Jalsa, Vidya Balan also revealed how she finally agreed to do the film. "Then one day when Suresh told me over a general chat that he reworked the script, I said I'd like to hear it again. I knew I wanted to do it, but didn't tell him. I just wanted to read and be sure. I read and I was like, 'I am on'," added Vidya Balan, reported PTI.New Delhi: We all are excited to see Vidya Balan in Suresh Triveni's Jalsa. But the actress had initially rejected the film. Vidya Balan recently told news agency PTI, "It has shades of grey which is why when Suresh narrated the script to me, I had loved it, but said I can't do it. I didn't have the guts. Then the pandemic happened and something changed all of us in deep ways that we don't even understand." Jalsa will premiere on Amazon Prime Video on March 18 and also stars Shefali Shah, Iqbal Khan, Manav Kaul, Vidhatri Bandi, Srikant Mohan, Shafeen Patel and Surya Kasibhatla in key roles. At the trailer launch of Jalsa, Vidya Balan also revealed how she finally agreed to do the film. "Then one day when Suresh told me over a general chat that he reworked the script, I said I'd like to hear it again. I knew I wanted to do it, but didn't tell him. I just wanted to read and be sure. I read and I was like, 'I am on'," added Vidya Balan, reported PTI.New Delhi: We all are excited to see Vidya Balan in Suresh Triveni's Jalsa. But the actress had initially rejected the film. Vidya Balan recently told news agency PTI, "It has shades of grey which is why when Suresh narrated the script to me, I had loved it, but said I can't do it. I didn't have the guts. Then the pandemic happened and something changed all of us in deep ways that we don't even understand." Jalsa will premiere on Amazon Prime Video on March 18 and also stars Shefali Shah, Iqbal Khan, Manav Kaul, Vidhatri Bandi, Srikant Mohan, Shafeen Patel and Surya Kasibhatla in key roles. At the trailer launch of Jalsa, Vidya Balan also revealed how she finally agreed to do the film. "Then one day when Suresh told me over a general chat that he reworked the script, I said I'd like to hear it again. I knew I wanted to do it, but didn't tell him. I just wanted to read and be sure. I read and I was like, 'I am on'," added Vidya Balan, reported PTI.New Delhi: We all are excited to see Vidya Balan in Suresh Triveni's Jalsa. But the actress had initially rejected the film. Vidya Balan recently told news agency PTI, "It has shades of grey which is why when Suresh narrated the script to me, I had loved it, but said I can't do it. I didn't have the guts. Then the pandemic happened and something changed all of us in deep ways that we don't even understand." Jalsa will premiere on Amazon Prime Video on March 18 and also stars Shefali Shah, Iqbal Khan, Manav Kaul, Vidhatri Bandi, Srikant Mohan, Shafeen Patel and Surya Kasibhatla in key roles. At the trailer launch of Jalsa, Vidya Balan also revealed how she finally agreed to do the film. "Then one day when Suresh told me over a general chat that he reworked the script, I said I'd like to hear it again. I knew I wanted to do it, but didn't tell him. I just wanted to read and be sure. I read and I was like, 'I am on'," added Vidya Balan, reported PTI.New Delhi: We all are excited to see Vidya Balan in Suresh Triveni's Jalsa. But the actress had initially rejected the film. Vidya Balan recently told news agency PTI, "It has shades of grey which is why when Suresh narrated the script to me, I had loved it, but said I can't do it. I didn't have the guts. Then the pandemic happened and something changed all of us in deep ways that we don't even understand." Jalsa will premiere on Amazon Prime Video on March 18 and also stars Shefali Shah, Iqbal Khan, Manav Kaul, Vidhatri Bandi, Srikant Mohan, Shafeen Patel and Surya Kasibhatla in key roles. At the trailer launch of Jalsa, Vidya Balan also revealed how she finally agreed to do the film. "Then one day when Suresh told me over a general chat that he reworked the script, I said I'd like to hear it again. I knew I wanted to do it, but didn't tell him. I just wanted to read and be sure. I read and I was like, 'I am on'," added Vidya Balan, reported PTI.New Delhi: We all are excited to see Vidya Balan in Suresh Triveni's Jalsa. But the actress had initially rejected the film. Vidya Balan recently told news agency PTI, "It has shades of grey which is why when Suresh narrated the script to me, I had loved it, but said I can't do it. I didn't have the guts. Then the pandemic happened and something changed all of us in deep ways that we don't even understand." Jalsa will premiere on Amazon Prime Video on March 18 and also stars Shefali Shah, Iqbal Khan, Manav Kaul, Vidhatri Bandi, Srikant Mohan, Shafeen Patel and Surya Kasibhatla in key roles. At the trailer launch of Jalsa, Vidya Balan also revealed how she finally agreed to do the film. "Then one day when Suresh told me over a general chat that he reworked the script, I said I'd like to hear i
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