MediaTek Dimensity 8100 and Dimensity 8000 chipsets were announced by the company on Tuesday. The company's new chipsets are aimed at the flagship segment and will go head-to-head with rival Qualcomm's Snapdragon 888 SoC. The launch of the new chips comes four months after the debut of the 4nm MediaTek Dimensity 9000 SoC, and smartphones with this chipset are expected in the coming weeks. Meanwhile, the chip manufacturer also announced the launch of the MediaTek Dimensity 1300 SoC, which is an upgraded version of the company's Dimensity 1200 chipset launched last year. The company revealed on Tuesday that the MediaTek Dimensity 8100 and Dimensity 8000 chipsets will feature four Cortex-A78 performance cores and four Cortex-A55 efficiency cores, along with a Mali G610 MC6 GPU. The performance cores on the Dimensity 8100 offer 2.85GHz speeds, while the Dimensity 8100 offers up to 2.75GHz. The Dimensity 8100 and Dimensity 8000 are built on TSMC's 5nm process. Both chipsets feature MediaTek's HyperEngine 5.0 technology for efficiency and improved frame rates — a maximum of 120fps for MediaTek Dimensity 8100 and 140fps for the Dimensity 8000 SoC. Meanwhile, the chipsets also support LPDDR5 RAM and UFS 3.1 storage, according to the company.
MediaTek Dimensity 8100 and Dimensity 8000 chipsets were announced by the company on Tuesday. The company's new chipsets are aimed at the flagship segment and will go head-to-head with rival Qualcomm's Snapdragon 888 SoC. The launch of the new chips comes four months after the debut of the 4nm MediaTek Dimensity 9000 SoC, and smartphones with this chipset are expected in the coming weeks. Meanwhile, the chip manufacturer also announced the launch of the MediaTek Dimensity 1300 SoC, which is an upgraded version of the company's Dimensity 1200 chipset launched last year. The company revealed on Tuesday that the MediaTek Dimensity 8100 and Dimensity 8000 chipsets will feature four Cortex-A78 performance cores and four Cortex-A55 efficiency cores, along with a Mali G610 MC6 GPU. The performance cores on the Dimensity 8100 offer 2.85GHz speeds, while the Dimensity 8100 offers up to 2.75GHz. The Dimensity 8100 and Dimensity 8000 are built on TSMC's 5nm process. Both chipsets feature MediaTek's HyperEngine 5.0 technology for efficiency and improved frame rates — a maximum of 120fps for MediaTek Dimensity 8100 and 140fps for the Dimensity 8000 SoC. Meanwhile, the chipsets also support LPDDR5 RAM and UFS 3.1 storage, according to the company.
MediaTek Dimensity 8100 and Dimensity 8000 chipsets were announced by the company on Tuesday. The company's new chipsets are aimed at the flagship segment and will go head-to-head with rival Qualcomm's Snapdragon 888 SoC. The launch of the new chips comes four months after the debut of the 4nm MediaTek Dimensity 9000 SoC, and smartphones with this chipset are expected in the coming weeks. Meanwhile, the chip manufacturer also announced the launch of the MediaTek Dimensity 1300 SoC, which is an upgraded version of the company's Dimensity 1200 chipset launched last year. The company revealed on Tuesday that the MediaTek Dimensity 8100 and Dimensity 8000 chipsets will feature four Cortex-A78 performance cores and four Cortex-A55 efficiency cores, along with a Mali G610 MC6 GPU. The performance cores on the Dimensity 8100 offer 2.85GHz speeds, while the Dimensity 8100 offers up to 2.75GHz. The Dimensity 8100 and Dimensity 8000 are built on TSMC's 5nm process. Both chipsets feature MediaTek's HyperEngine 5.0 technology for efficiency and improved frame rates — a maximum of 120fps for MediaTek Dimensity 8100 and 140fps for the Dimensity 8000 SoC. Meanwhile, the chipsets also support LPDDR5 RAM and UFS 3.1 storage, according to the company.
MediaTek Dimensity 8100 and Dimensity 8000 chipsets were announced by the company on Tuesday. The company's new chipsets are aimed at the flagship segment and will go head-to-head with rival Qualcomm's Snapdragon 888 SoC. The launch of the new chips comes four months after the debut of the 4nm MediaTek Dimensity 9000 SoC, and smartphones with this chipset are expected in the coming weeks. Meanwhile, the chip manufacturer also announced the launch of the MediaTek Dimensity 1300 SoC, which is an upgraded version of the company's Dimensity 1200 chipset launched last year. The company revealed on Tuesday that the MediaTek Dimensity 8100 and Dimensity 8000 chipsets will feature four Cortex-A78 performance cores and four Cortex-A55 efficiency cores, along with a Mali G610 MC6 GPU. The performance cores on the Dimensity 8100 offer 2.85GHz speeds, while the Dimensity 8100 offers up to 2.75GHz. The Dimensity 8100 and Dimensity 8000 are built on TSMC's 5nm process. Both chipsets feature MediaTek's HyperEngine 5.0 technology for efficiency and improved frame rates — a maximum of 120fps for MediaTek Dimensity 8100 and 140fps for the Dimensity 8000 SoC. Meanwhile, the chipsets also support LPDDR5 RAM and UFS 3.1 storage, according to the company.
MediaTek Dimensity 8100 and Dimensity 8000 chipsets were announced by the company on Tuesday. The company's new chipsets are aimed at the flagship segment and will go head-to-head with rival Qualcomm's Snapdragon 888 SoC. The launch of the new chips comes four months after the debut of the 4nm MediaTek Dimensity 9000 SoC, and smartphones with this chipset are expected in the coming weeks. Meanwhile, the chip manufacturer also announced the launch of the MediaTek Dimensity 1300 SoC, which is an upgraded version of the company's Dimensity 1200 chipset launched last year. The company revealed on Tuesday that the MediaTek Dimensity 8100 and Dimensity 8000 chipsets will feature four Cortex-A78 performance cores and four Cortex-A55 efficiency cores, along with a Mali G610 MC6 GPU. The performance cores on the Dimensity 8100 offer 2.85GHz speeds, while the Dimensity 8100 offers up to 2.75GHz. The Dimensity 8100 and Dimensity 8000 are built on TSMC's 5nm process. Both chipsets feature MediaTek's HyperEngine 5.0 technology for efficiency and improved frame rates — a maximum of 120fps for MediaTek Dimensity 8100 and 140fps for the Dimensity 8000 SoC. Meanwhile, the chipsets also support LPDDR5 RAM and UFS 3.1 storage, according to the company.
MediaTek Dimensity 8100 and Dimensity 8000 chipsets were announced by the company on Tuesday. The company's new chipsets are aimed at the flagship segment and will go head-to-head with rival Qualcomm's Snapdragon 888 SoC. The launch of the new chips comes four months after the debut of the 4nm MediaTek Dimensity 9000 SoC, and smartphones with this chipset are expected in the coming weeks. Meanwhile, the chip manufacturer also announced the launch of the MediaTek Dimensity 1300 SoC, which is an upgraded version of the company's Dimensity 1200 chipset launched last year. The company revealed on Tuesday that the MediaTek Dimensity 8100 and Dimensity 8000 chipsets will feature four Cortex-A78 performance cores and four Cortex-A55 efficiency cores, along with a Mali G610 MC6 GPU. The performance cores on the Dimensity 8100 offer 2.85GHz speeds, while the Dimensity 8100 offers up to 2.75GHz. The Dimensity 8100 and Dimensity 8000 are built on TSMC's 5nm process. Both chipsets feature MediaTek's HyperEngine 5.0 technology for efficiency and improved frame rates — a maximum of 120fps for MediaTek Dimensity 8100 and 140fps for the Dimensity 8000 SoC. Meanwhile, the chipsets also support LPDDR5 RAM and UFS 3.1 storage, according to the company.
MediaTek Dimensity 8100 and Dimensity 8000 chipsets were announced by the company on Tuesday. The company's new chipsets are aimed at the flagship segment and will go head-to-head with rival Qualcomm's Snapdragon 888 SoC. The launch of the new chips comes four months after the debut of the 4nm MediaTek Dimensity 9000 SoC, and smartphones with this chipset are expected in the coming weeks. Meanwhile, the chip manufacturer also announced the launch of the MediaTek Dimensity 1300 SoC, which is an upgraded version of the company's Dimensity 1200 chipset launched last year. The company revealed on Tuesday that the MediaTek Dimensity 8100 and Dimensity 8000 chipsets will feature four Cortex-A78 performance cores and four Cortex-A55 efficiency cores, along with a Mali G610 MC6 GPU. The performance cores on the Dimensity 8100 offer 2.85GHz speeds, while the Dimensity 8100 offers up to 2.75GHz. The Dimensity 8100 and Dimensity 8000 are built on TSMC's 5nm process. Both chipsets feature MediaTek's HyperEngine 5.0 technology for efficiency and improved frame rates — a maximum of 120fps for MediaTek Dimensity 8100 and 140fps for the Dimensity 8000 SoC. Meanwhile, the chipsets also support LPDDR5 RAM and UFS 3.1 storage, according to the company.
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