WhatsApp on Friday introduced a Web browser extension called Code Verify that lets users check whether the WhatsApp Web version they are using on their system is authenticated. The Web extension automatically verifies the authenticity of the WhatsApp Web code being served to the users and confirms that their messaging experience is secure and not tampered with, the company owned by Meta said. The Code Verify extension has been developed in partnership with Cloudflare, a Web infrastructure and security company. It's available as an open-source project to let other companies, groups, and individuals integrate the same experience for their apps. Open-sourcing will also help receive contributions from developers around the world to improve the extension over time. Available for download on Chrome, Firefox, and Edge, the Code Verify extension checks for the resources on the entire webpage to verify the authenticity of the code when you open WhatsApp Web on your mobile or desktop browser. “We've given Cloudflare a cryptographic hash source of truth for WhatsApp Web's JavaScript code. When someone uses Code Verify, the extension automatically compares the code that runs on WhatsApp Web against the version of the code verified by WhatsApp and published on Cloudflare,” the instant messaging app said in a blog post. Once the code is verified by the extension, it notifies users whether the Web client they are using is authenticated. The Code Verify extension runs automatically when you use WhatsApp Web on your browser. It shows a checkmark in a green circle when it is pinned to the toolbar of your browser to reflect that the code of your WhatsApp Web has been fully validated.
WhatsApp on Friday introduced a Web browser extension called Code Verify that lets users check whether the WhatsApp Web version they are using on their system is authenticated. The Web extension automatically verifies the authenticity of the WhatsApp Web code being served to the users and confirms that their messaging experience is secure and not tampered with, the company owned by Meta said. The Code Verify extension has been developed in partnership with Cloudflare, a Web infrastructure and security company. It's available as an open-source project to let other companies, groups, and individuals integrate the same experience for their apps. Open-sourcing will also help receive contributions from developers around the world to improve the extension over time. Available for download on Chrome, Firefox, and Edge, the Code Verify extension checks for the resources on the entire webpage to verify the authenticity of the code when you open WhatsApp Web on your mobile or desktop browser. “We've given Cloudflare a cryptographic hash source of truth for WhatsApp Web's JavaScript code. When someone uses Code Verify, the extension automatically compares the code that runs on WhatsApp Web against the version of the code verified by WhatsApp and published on Cloudflare,” the instant messaging app said in a blog post. Once the code is verified by the extension, it notifies users whether the Web client they are using is authenticated. The Code Verify extension runs automatically when you use WhatsApp Web on your browser. It shows a checkmark in a green circle when it is pinned to the toolbar of your browser to reflect that the code of your WhatsApp Web has been fully validated.WhatsApp on Friday introduced a Web browser extension called Code Verify that lets users check whether the WhatsApp Web version they are using on their system is authenticated. The Web extension automatically verifies the authenticity of the WhatsApp Web code being served to the users and confirms that their messaging experience is secure and not tampered with, the company owned by Meta said. The Code Verify extension has been developed in partnership with Cloudflare, a Web infrastructure and security company. It's available as an open-source project to let other companies, groups, and individuals integrate the same experience for their apps. Open-sourcing will also help receive contributions from developers around the world to improve the extension over time. Available for download on Chrome, Firefox, and Edge, the Code Verify extension checks for the resources on the entire webpage to verify the authenticity of the code when you open WhatsApp Web on your mobile or desktop browser. “We've given Cloudflare a cryptographic hash source of truth for WhatsApp Web's JavaScript code. When someone uses Code Verify, the extension automatically compares the code that runs on WhatsApp Web against the version of the code verified by WhatsApp and published on Cloudflare,” the instant messaging app said in a blog post. Once the code is verified by the extension, it notifies users whether the Web client they are using is authenticated. The Code Verify extension runs automatically when you use WhatsApp Web on your browser. It shows a checkmark in a green circle when it is pinned to the toolbar of your browser to reflect that the code of your WhatsApp Web has been fully validated.WhatsApp on Friday introduced a Web browser extension called Code Verify that lets users check whether the WhatsApp Web version they are using on their system is authenticated. The Web extension automatically verifies the authenticity of the WhatsApp Web code being served to the users and confirms that their messaging experience is secure and not tampered with, the company owned by Meta said. The Code Verify extension has been developed in partnership with Cloudflare, a Web infrastructure and security company. It's available as an open-source project to let other companies, groups, and individuals integrate the same experience for their apps. Open-sourcing will also help receive contributions from developers around the world to improve the extension over time. Available for download on Chrome, Firefox, and Edge, the Code Verify extension checks for the resources on the entire webpage to verify the authenticity of the code when you open WhatsApp Web on your mobile or desktop browser. “We've given Cloudflare a cryptographic hash source of truth for WhatsApp Web's JavaScript code. When someone uses Code Verify, the extension automatically compares the code that runs on WhatsApp Web against the version of the code verified by WhatsApp and published on Cloudflare,” the instant messaging app said in a blog post. Once the code is verified by the extension, it notifies users whether the Web client they are using is authenticated. The Code Verify extension runs automatically when you use WhatsApp Web on your browser. It shows a checkmark in a green circle when it is pinned to the toolbar of your browser to reflect that the code of your WhatsApp Web has been fully validated.WhatsApp on Friday introduced a Web browser extension called Code Verify that lets users check whether the WhatsApp Web version they are using on their system is authenticated. The Web extension automatically verifies the authenticity of the WhatsApp Web code being served to the users and confirms that their messaging experience is secure and not tampered with, the company owned by Meta said. The Code Verify extension has been developed in partnership with Cloudflare, a Web infrastructure and security company. It's available as an open-source project to let other companies, groups, and individuals integrate the same experience for their apps. Open-sourcing will also help receive contributions from developers around the world to improve the extension over time. Available for download on Chrome, Firefox, and Edge, the Code Verify extension checks for the resources on the entire webpage to verify the authenticity of the code when you open WhatsApp Web on your mobile or desktop browser. “We've given Cloudflare a cryptographic hash source of truth for WhatsApp Web's JavaScript code. When someone uses Code Verify, the extension automatically compares the code that runs on WhatsApp Web against the version of the code verified by WhatsApp and published on Cloudflare,” the instant messaging app said in a blog post. Once the code is verified by the extension, it notifies users whether the Web client they are using is authenticated. The Code Verify extension runs automatically when you use WhatsApp Web on your browser. It shows a checkmark in a green circle when it is pinned to the toolbar of your browser to reflect that the code of your WhatsApp Web has been fully validated.WhatsApp on Friday introduced a Web browser extension called Code Verify that lets users check whether the WhatsApp Web version they are using on their system is authenticated. The Web extension automatically verifies the authenticity of the WhatsApp Web code being served to the users and confirms that their messaging experience is secure and not tampered with, the company owned by Meta said. The Code Verify extension has been developed in partnership with Cloudflare, a Web infrastructure and security company. It's available as an open-source project to let other companies, groups, and individuals integrate the same experience for their apps. Open-sourcing will also help receive contributions from developers around the world to improve the extension over time. Available for download on Chrome, Firefox, and Edge, the Code Verify extension checks for the resources on the entire webpage to verify the authenticity of the code when you open WhatsApp Web on your mobile or desktop browser. “We've given Cloudflare a cryptographic hash source of truth for WhatsApp Web's JavaScript code. When someone uses Code Verify, the extension automatically compares the code that runs on WhatsApp Web against the version of the code verified by WhatsApp and published on Cloudflare,” the instant messaging app said in a blog post. Once the code is verified by the extension, it notifies users whether the Web client they are using is authenticated. The Code Verify extension runs automatically when you use WhatsApp Web on your browser. It shows a checkmark in a green circle when it is pinned to the toolbar of your browser to reflect that the code of your WhatsApp Web has been fully validated.WhatsApp on Friday introduced a Web browser extension called Code Verify that lets users check whether the WhatsApp Web version they are using on their system is authenticated. The Web extension automatically verifies the authenticity of the WhatsApp Web code being served to the users and confirms that their messaging experience is secure and not tampered with, the company owned by Meta said. The Code Verify extension has been developed in partnership with Cloudflare, a Web infrastructure and security company. It's available as an open-source project to let other companies, groups, and individuals integrate the same experience for their apps. Open-sourcing will also help receive contributions from developers around the world to improve the extension over time. Available for download on Chrome, Firefox, and Edge, the Code Verify extension checks for the resources on the entire webpage to verify the authenticity of the code when you open WhatsApp Web on your mobile or desktop browser. “We've given Cloudflare a cryptographic hash source of truth for WhatsApp Web's JavaScript code. When someone uses Code Verify, the extension automatically compares the code that runs on WhatsApp Web against the version of the code verified by WhatsApp and published on Cloudflare,” the instant messaging app said in a blog post. Once the code is verified by the extension, it notifies users whether the Web client they are using is authenticated. The Code Verify extension runs automatically when you use WhatsApp Web on your browser. It shows a checkmark in a green circle when it is pinned to the toolbar of your browser to reflect that the code of your WhatsApp Web has been fully validated.WhatsApp on Friday introdu
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