Mumbai: Superstar Akshay Kumar on Saturday announced that he has tested positive for the novel coronavirus. The 54-year-old actor said he has cancelled his visit to the India Pavilion at the upcoming Cannes Film Festival following the diagnosis. "Was really looking forward to rooting for our cinema at the India Pavilion at #Cannes2022, but have sadly tested positive for Covid. Will rest it out. Loads of best wishes to you and your entire team, @ianuragthakur. Will really miss being there," Kumar wrote on Twitter.
Mumbai: Superstar Akshay Kumar on Saturday announced that he has tested positive for the novel coronavirus. The 54-year-old actor said he has cancelled his visit to the India Pavilion at the upcoming Cannes Film Festival following the diagnosis. "Was really looking forward to rooting for our cinema at the India Pavilion at #Cannes2022, but have sadly tested positive for Covid. Will rest it out. Loads of best wishes to you and your entire team, @ianuragthakur. Will really miss being there," Kumar wrote on Twitter.Mumbai: Superstar Akshay Kumar on Saturday announced that he has tested positive for the novel coronavirus. The 54-year-old actor said he has cancelled his visit to the India Pavilion at the upcoming Cannes Film Festival following the diagnosis. "Was really looking forward to rooting for our cinema at the India Pavilion at #Cannes2022, but have sadly tested positive for Covid. Will rest it out. Loads of best wishes to you and your entire team, @ianuragthakur. Will really miss being there," Kumar wrote on Twitter.Mumbai: Superstar Akshay Kumar on Saturday announced that he has tested positive for the novel coronavirus. The 54-year-old actor said he has cancelled his visit to the India Pavilion at the upcoming Cannes Film Festival following the diagnosis. "Was really looking forward to rooting for our cinema at the India Pavilion at #Cannes2022, but have sadly tested positive for Covid. Will rest it out. Loads of best wishes to you and your entire team, @ianuragthakur. Will really miss being there," Kumar wrote on Twitter.Mumbai: Superstar Akshay Kumar on Saturday announced that he has tested positive for the novel coronavirus. The 54-year-old actor said he has cancelled his visit to the India Pavilion at the upcoming Cannes Film Festival following the diagnosis. "Was really looking forward to rooting for our cinema at the India Pavilion at #Cannes2022, but have sadly tested positive for Covid. Will rest it out. Loads of best wishes to you and your entire team, @ianuragthakur. Will really miss being there," Kumar wrote on Twitter.Mumbai: Superstar Akshay Kumar on Saturday announced that he has tested positive for the novel coronavirus. The 54-year-old actor said he has cancelled his visit to the India Pavilion at the upcoming Cannes Film Festival following the diagnosis. "Was really looking forward to rooting for our cinema at the India Pavilion at #Cannes2022, but have sadly tested positive for Covid. Will rest it out. Loads of best wishes to you and your entire team, @ianuragthakur. Will really miss being there," Kumar wrote on Twitter.Mumbai: Superstar Akshay Kumar on Saturday announced that he has tested positive for the novel coronavirus. The 54-year-old actor said he has cancelled his visit to the India Pavilion at the upcoming Cannes Film Festival following the diagnosis. "Was really looking forward to rooting for our cinema at the India Pavilion at #Cannes2022, but have sadly tested positive for Covid. Will rest it out. Loads of best wishes to you and your entire team, @ianuragthakur. Will really miss being there," Kumar wrote on Twitter.Mumbai: Superstar Akshay Kumar on Saturday announced that he has tested positive for the novel coronavirus. The 54-year-old actor said he has cancelled his visit to the India Pavilion at the upcoming Cannes Film Festival following the diagnosis. "Was really looking forward to rooting for our cinema at the India Pavilion at #Cannes2022, but have sadly tested positive for Covid. Will rest it out. Loads of best wishes to you and your entire team, @ianuragthakur. Will really miss being there," Kumar wrote on Twitter.Mumbai: Superstar Akshay Kumar on Saturday announced that he has tested positive for the novel coronavirus. The 54-year-old actor said he has cancelled his visit to the India Pavilion at the upcoming Cannes Film Festival following the diagnosis. "Was really looking forward to rooting for our cinema at the India Pavilion at #Cannes2022, but have sadly tested positive for Covid. Will rest it out. Loads of best wishes to you and your entire team, @ianuragthakur. Will really miss being there," Kumar wrote on Twitter.Mumbai: Superstar Akshay Kumar on Saturday announced that he has tested positive for the novel coronavirus. The 54-year-old actor said he has cancelled his visit to the India Pavilion at the upcoming Cannes Film Festival following the diagnosis. "Was really looking forward to rooting for our cinema at the India Pavilion at #Cannes2022, but have sadly tested positive for Covid. Will rest it out. Loads of best wishes to you and your entire team, @ianuragthakur. Will really miss being there," Kumar wrote on Twitter.Mumbai: Superstar Akshay Kumar on Saturday announced that he has tested positive for the novel coronavirus. The 54-year-old actor said he has cancelled his visit to the India Pavilion at the upcoming Cannes Film Festival following the diagnosis. "Was really looking forward to rooting for our cinema at the India Pavilion at #Cannes2022, but have sadly tested positive for Covid. Will rest it out. Loads of best wishes to you and your entire team, @ianuragthakur. Will really miss being there," Kumar wrote on Twitter.Mumbai: Superstar Akshay Kumar on Saturday announced that he has tested positive for the novel coronavirus. The 54-year-old actor said he has cancelled his visit to the India Pavilion at the upcoming Cannes Film Festival following the diagnosis. "Was really looking forward to rooting for our cinema at the India Pavilion at #Cannes2022, but have sadly tested positive for Covid. Will rest it out. Loads of best wishes to you and your entire team, @ianuragthakur. Will really miss being there," Kumar wrote on Twitter.Mumbai: Superstar Akshay Kumar on Saturday announced that he has tested positive for the novel coronavirus. The 54-year-old actor said he has cancelled his visit to the India Pavilion at the upcoming Cannes Film Festival following the diagnosis. "Was really looking forward to rooting for our cinema at the India Pavilion at #Cannes2022, but have sadly tested positive for Covid. Will rest it out. Loads of best wishes to you and your entire team, @ianuragthakur. Will really miss being there," Kumar wrote on Twitter.Mumbai: Superstar Akshay Kumar on Saturday announced that he has tested positive for the novel coronavirus. The 54-year-old actor said he has cancelled his visit to the India Pavilion at the upcoming Cannes Film Festival following the diagnosis. "Was really looking forward to rooting for our cinema at the India Pavilion at #Cannes2022, but have sadly tested positive for Covid. Will rest it out. Loads of best wishes to you and your entire team, @ianuragthakur. Will really miss being there," Kumar wrote on Twitter.Mumbai: Superstar Akshay Kumar on Saturday announced that he has tested positive for the novel coronavirus. The 54-year-old actor said he has cancelled his visit to the India Pavilion at the upcoming Cannes Film Festival following the diagnosis. "Was really looking forward to rooting for our cinema at the India Pavilion at #Cannes2022, but have sadly tested positive for Covid. Will rest it out. Loads of best wishes to you and your entire team, @ianuragthakur. Will really miss being there," Kumar wrote on Twitter.Mumbai: Superstar Akshay Kumar on Saturday announced that he has tested positive for the novel coronavirus. The 54-year-old actor said he has cancelled his visit to the India Pavilion at the upcoming Cannes Film Festival following the diagnosis. "Was really looking forward to rooting for our cinema at the India Pavilion at #Cannes2022, but have sadly tested positive for Covid. Will rest it out. Loads of best wishes to you and your entire team, @ianuragthakur. Will really miss being there," Kumar wrote on Twitter.Mumbai: Superstar Akshay Kumar on Saturday announced that he has tested positive for the novel coronavirus. The 54-year-old actor said he has cancelled his visit to the India Pavilion at the upcoming Cannes Film Festival following the diagnosis. "Was really looking forward to rooting for our cinema at the India Pavilion at #Cannes2022, but have sadly tested positive for Covid. Will rest it out. Loads of best wishes to you and your entire team, @ianuragthakur. Will really miss being there," Kumar wrote on Twitter.Mumbai: Superstar Akshay Kumar on Saturday announced that he has tested positive for the novel coronavirus. The 54-year-old actor said he has cancelled his visit to the India Pavilion at the upcoming Cannes Film Festival following the diagnosis. "Was really looking forward to rooting for our cinema at the India Pavilion at #Cannes2022, but have sadly tested positive for Covid. Will rest it out. Loads of best wishes to you and your entire team, @ianuragthakur. Will really miss being there," Kumar wrote on Twitter.Mumbai: Superstar Akshay Kumar on Saturday announced that he has tested positive for the novel coronavirus. The 54-year-old actor said he has cancelled his visit to the India Pavilion at the upcoming Cannes Film Festival following the diagnosis. "Was really looking forward to rooting for our cinema at the India Pavilion at #Cannes2022, but have sadly tested positive for Covid. Will rest it out. Loads of best wishes to you and your entire team, @ianuragthakur. Will really miss being there," Kumar wrote on Twitter.Mumbai: Superstar Akshay Kumar on Saturday announced that he has tested positive for the novel coronavirus. The 54-year-old actor said he has cancelled his visit to the India Pavilion at the upcoming Cannes Film Festival following the diagnosis. "Was really looking forward to rooting for our cinema at the India Pavilion at #Cannes2022, but have sadly tested positive for Covid. Will rest it out. Loads of best wishes to you and your entire team, @ianuragthakur. Will really miss being there," Kumar wrote on Twitter.Mumbai: Superstar Akshay Kumar on Saturday announced that he has tested positive for the novel coronavirus. The 54-year-old actor said he has cancelled his visit to the India Pavilion at the upcoming Cannes Film Festival following the diagnosis. "Was really looking forward to rooting for our cinema at the India Pavilion at #Cannes2022, but have sadly tested positive for Covid. Will rest it out. Loads of best wishes to you and your entire team, @ianuragthakur. Will really miss being there," Kumar wrote on Twitter.Mumbai: Superstar Akshay Kumar on Saturday announced that he has tested positive for the novel coronavirus. The 54-year-old actor said he has cancelled his visit to the India Pavilion at the upcoming Cannes Film Festival following the diagnosis. "Was really looking forward to rooting for our cinema at the India Pavilion at #Cannes2022, but have sadly tested positive for Covid. Will rest it out. Loads of best wishes to you and your entire team, @ianuragthakur. Will really miss being there," Kumar wrote on Twitter.Mumbai: Superstar Akshay Kumar on Saturday announced that he has tested positive for the novel coronavirus. The 54-year-old actor said he has cancelled his visit to the India Pavilion at the upcoming Cannes Film Festival following the diagnosis. "Was really looking forward to rooting for our cinema at the India Pavilion at #Cannes2022, but have sadly tested positive for Covid. Will rest it out. Loads of best wishes to you and your entire team, @ianuragthakur. Will really miss being there," Kumar wrote on Twitter.Mumbai: Superstar Akshay
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