New Delhi: Academy Award winning actor Will Smith was pictured at Mumbai's Kalina airport on Saturday morning. This isn't Will Smith's first visit to India. The actor came to India in 2019 for the shooting of his reality show The Bucket List. During his 2019 visit, Will Smith met a few Bollywood stars and shot a segment with the team of Student Of The Year 2. He also visited Haridwar. On the professional front, Will Smith has been banned from attending the Oscars for the next 10 years. The Academy took disciplinary action against the King Richard star who slapped and swore at Oscar presenter Chris Rock for a joke he made at the expense of Will Smith's wife Jada Pinkett.
New Delhi: Academy Award winning actor Will Smith was pictured at Mumbai's Kalina airport on Saturday morning. This isn't Will Smith's first visit to India. The actor came to India in 2019 for the shooting of his reality show The Bucket List. During his 2019 visit, Will Smith met a few Bollywood stars and shot a segment with the team of Student Of The Year 2. He also visited Haridwar. On the professional front, Will Smith has been banned from attending the Oscars for the next 10 years. The Academy took disciplinary action against the King Richard star who slapped and swore at Oscar presenter Chris Rock for a joke he made at the expense of Will Smith's wife Jada Pinkett.New Delhi: Academy Award winning actor Will Smith was pictured at Mumbai's Kalina airport on Saturday morning. This isn't Will Smith's first visit to India. The actor came to India in 2019 for the shooting of his reality show The Bucket List. During his 2019 visit, Will Smith met a few Bollywood stars and shot a segment with the team of Student Of The Year 2. He also visited Haridwar. On the professional front, Will Smith has been banned from attending the Oscars for the next 10 years. The Academy took disciplinary action against the King Richard star who slapped and swore at Oscar presenter Chris Rock for a joke he made at the expense of Will Smith's wife Jada Pinkett.New Delhi: Academy Award winning actor Will Smith was pictured at Mumbai's Kalina airport on Saturday morning. This isn't Will Smith's first visit to India. The actor came to India in 2019 for the shooting of his reality show The Bucket List. During his 2019 visit, Will Smith met a few Bollywood stars and shot a segment with the team of Student Of The Year 2. He also visited Haridwar. On the professional front, Will Smith has been banned from attending the Oscars for the next 10 years. The Academy took disciplinary action against the King Richard star who slapped and swore at Oscar presenter Chris Rock for a joke he made at the expense of Will Smith's wife Jada Pinkett.New Delhi: Academy Award winning actor Will Smith was pictured at Mumbai's Kalina airport on Saturday morning. This isn't Will Smith's first visit to India. The actor came to India in 2019 for the shooting of his reality show The Bucket List. During his 2019 visit, Will Smith met a few Bollywood stars and shot a segment with the team of Student Of The Year 2. He also visited Haridwar. On the professional front, Will Smith has been banned from attending the Oscars for the next 10 years. The Academy took disciplinary action against the King Richard star who slapped and swore at Oscar presenter Chris Rock for a joke he made at the expense of Will Smith's wife Jada Pinkett.New Delhi: Academy Award winning actor Will Smith was pictured at Mumbai's Kalina airport on Saturday morning. This isn't Will Smith's first visit to India. The actor came to India in 2019 for the shooting of his reality show The Bucket List. During his 2019 visit, Will Smith met a few Bollywood stars and shot a segment with the team of Student Of The Year 2. He also visited Haridwar. On the professional front, Will Smith has been banned from attending the Oscars for the next 10 years. The Academy took disciplinary action against the King Richard star who slapped and swore at Oscar presenter Chris Rock for a joke he made at the expense of Will Smith's wife Jada Pinkett.New Delhi: Academy Award winning actor Will Smith was pictured at Mumbai's Kalina airport on Saturday morning. This isn't Will Smith's first visit to India. The actor came to India in 2019 for the shooting of his reality show The Bucket List. During his 2019 visit, Will Smith met a few Bollywood stars and shot a segment with the team of Student Of The Year 2. He also visited Haridwar. On the professional front, Will Smith has been banned from attending the Oscars for the next 10 years. The Academy took disciplinary action against the King Richard star who slapped and swore at Oscar presenter Chris Rock for a joke he made at the expense of Will Smith's wife Jada Pinkett.New Delhi: Academy Award winning actor Will Smith was pictured at Mumbai's Kalina airport on Saturday morning. This isn't Will Smith's first visit to India. The actor came to India in 2019 for the shooting of his reality show The Bucket List. During his 2019 visit, Will Smith met a few Bollywood stars and shot a segment with the team of Student Of The Year 2. He also visited Haridwar. On the professional front, Will Smith has been banned from attending the Oscars for the next 10 years. The Academy took disciplinary action against the King Richard star who slapped and swore at Oscar presenter Chris Rock for a joke he made at the expense of Will Smith's wife Jada Pinkett.New Delhi: Academy Award winning actor Will Smith was pictured at Mumbai's Kalina airport on Saturday morning. This isn't Will Smith's first visit to India. The actor came to India in 2019 for the shooting of his reality show The Bucket List. During his 2019 visit, Will Smith met a few Bollywood stars and shot a segment with the team of Student Of The Year 2. He also visited Haridwar. On the professional front, Will Smith has been banned from attending the Oscars for the next 10 years. The Academy took disciplinary action against the King Richard star who slapped and swore at Oscar presenter Chris Rock for a joke he made at the expense of Will Smith's wife Jada Pinkett.New Delhi: Academy Award winning actor Will Smith was pictured at Mumbai's Kalina airport on Saturday morning. This isn't Will Smith's first visit to India. The actor came to India in 2019 for the shooting of his reality show The Bucket List. During his 2019 visit, Will Smith met a few Bollywood stars and shot a segment with the team of Student Of The Year 2. He also visited Haridwar. On the professional front, Will Smith has been banned from attending the Oscars for the next 10 years. The Academy took disciplinary action against the King Richard star who slapped and swore at Oscar presenter Chris Rock for a joke he made at the expense of Will Smith's wife Jada Pinkett.New Delhi: Academy Award winning actor Will Smith was pictured at Mumbai's Kalina airport on Saturday morning. This isn't Will Smith's first visit to India. The actor came to India in 2019 for the shooting of his reality show The Bucket List. During his 2019 visit, Will Smith met a few Bollywood stars and shot a segment with the team of Student Of The Year 2. He also visited Haridwar. On the professional front, Will Smith has been banned from attending the Oscars for the next 10 years. The Academy took disciplinary action against the King Richard star who slapped and swore at Oscar presenter Chris Rock for a joke he made at the expense of Will Smith's wife Jada Pinkett.New Delhi: Academy Award winning actor Will Smith was pictured at Mumbai's Kalina airport on Saturday morning. This isn't Will Smith's first visit to India. The actor came to India in 2019 for the shooting of his reality show The Bucket List. During his 2019 visit, Will Smith met a few Bollywood stars and shot a segment with the team of Student Of The Year 2. He also visited Haridwar. On the professional front, Will Smith has been banned from attending the Oscars for the next 10 years. The Academy took disciplinary action against the King Richard star who slapped and swore at Oscar presenter Chris Rock for a joke he made at the expense of Will Smith's wife Jada Pinkett.New Delhi: Academy Award winning actor Will Smith was pictured at Mumbai's Kalina airport on Saturday morning. This isn't Will Smith's first visit to India. The actor came to India in 2019 for the shooting of his reality show The Bucket List. During his 2019 visit, Will Smith met a few Bollywood stars and shot a segment with the team of Student Of The Year 2. He also visited Haridwar. On the professional front, Will Smith has been banned from attending the Oscars for the next 10 years. The Academy took disciplinary action against the King Richard star who slapped and swore at Oscar presenter Chris Rock for a joke he made at the expense of Will Smith's wife Jada Pinkett.New Delhi: Academy Award winning actor Will Smith was pictured at Mumbai's Kalina airport on Saturday morning. This isn't Will Smith's first visit to India. The actor came to India in 2019 for the shooting of his reality show The Bucket List. During his 2019 visit, Will Smith met a few Bollywood stars and shot a segment with the team of Student Of The Year 2. He also visited Haridwar. On the professional front, Will Smith has been banned from attending the Oscars for the next 10 years. The Academy took disciplinary action against the King Richard star who slapped and swore at Oscar presenter Chris Rock for a joke he made at the expense of Will Smith's wife Jada Pinkett.New Delhi: Academy Award winning actor Will Smith was pictured at Mumbai's Kalina airport on Saturday morning. This isn't Will Smith's first visit to India. The actor came to India in 2019 for the shooting of his reality show The Bucket List. During his 2019 visit, Will Smith met a few Bollywood stars and shot a segment with the team of Student Of The Year 2. He also visited Haridwar. On the professional front, Will Smith has been banned from attending the Oscars for the next 10 years. The Academy took disciplinary action against the King Richard star who slapped and swore at Oscar presenter Chris Rock for a joke he made at the expense of Will Smith's wife Jada Pinkett.New Delhi: Academy Award winning actor Will Smith was pictured at Mumbai's Kalina airport on Saturday morning. This isn't Will Smith's first visit to India. The actor came to India in 2019 for the shooting of his reality show The Bucket List. During his 2019 visit, Will Smith met a few Bollywood stars and shot a segment with the team of Student Of The Year 2. He also visited Haridwar. On the professional front, Will Smith has been banned from attending the Oscars for the next 10 years. The Academy took disciplinary action against the King Richard star who slapped and swore at Oscar presenter Chris Rock for a joke he made at the expense of Will Smith's wife Jada Pinkett.New Delhi: Academy Award winning actor Will Smith was pictured at Mumbai's Kalina airport on Saturday morning. This isn't Will Smith's first visit to India. The actor came to India in 2019 for the shooting of his reality show The Bucket List. During his 2019 visit, Will Smith met a few Bollywood stars and shot a segment with the team of Student Of The Year 2. He also visited Haridwar. On the professional front, Will Smith has been banned from attending the Oscars for the next 10 years. The Academy took disciplinary action against the King Richard star who slapped and swore at Oscar presenter Chris Rock for a joke he made at the expense of Will Smith's wife Jada Pinkett.New Delhi: Academy Award winning actor Will Smith was pictured at Mumbai's Kalina airport on Saturday morning. This isn't Will Smith's first visit to India. The actor came to India in 2019 for the shoot
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