Since the past two days, Alia Bhatt's and Ranbir Kapoor's fans have been waiting to hear the news of the wedding and finally catch a glimpse of the happy couple. As they tied the knot today (14th April, 2022) at his Mumbai home, it is being reported the couple tied knot in front of their closest friends and family members. Just a while ago, Alia Bhatt took to Instagram to share the moments from the wedding ceremony. Both of them can be seen dressed in beautiful shades of white. While Ranbir wore an embroidered sherwani, Alia Bhatt dazzled in a beautiful saree! Both of their outfits are said to have been designed by Sabyasachi Mukherjee.
Since the past two days, Alia Bhatt's and Ranbir Kapoor's fans have been waiting to hear the news of the wedding and finally catch a glimpse of the happy couple. As they tied the knot today (14th April, 2022) at his Mumbai home, it is being reported the couple tied knot in front of their closest friends and family members. Just a while ago, Alia Bhatt took to Instagram to share the moments from the wedding ceremony. Both of them can be seen dressed in beautiful shades of white. While Ranbir wore an embroidered sherwani, Alia Bhatt dazzled in a beautiful saree! Both of their outfits are said to have been designed by Sabyasachi Mukherjee.Since the past two days, Alia Bhatt's and Ranbir Kapoor's fans have been waiting to hear the news of the wedding and finally catch a glimpse of the happy couple. As they tied the knot today (14th April, 2022) at his Mumbai home, it is being reported the couple tied knot in front of their closest friends and family members. Just a while ago, Alia Bhatt took to Instagram to share the moments from the wedding ceremony. Both of them can be seen dressed in beautiful shades of white. While Ranbir wore an embroidered sherwani, Alia Bhatt dazzled in a beautiful saree! Both of their outfits are said to have been designed by Sabyasachi Mukherjee.Since the past two days, Alia Bhatt's and Ranbir Kapoor's fans have been waiting to hear the news of the wedding and finally catch a glimpse of the happy couple. As they tied the knot today (14th April, 2022) at his Mumbai home, it is being reported the couple tied knot in front of their closest friends and family members. Just a while ago, Alia Bhatt took to Instagram to share the moments from the wedding ceremony. Both of them can be seen dressed in beautiful shades of white. While Ranbir wore an embroidered sherwani, Alia Bhatt dazzled in a beautiful saree! Both of their outfits are said to have been designed by Sabyasachi Mukherjee.Since the past two days, Alia Bhatt's and Ranbir Kapoor's fans have been waiting to hear the news of the wedding and finally catch a glimpse of the happy couple. As they tied the knot today (14th April, 2022) at his Mumbai home, it is being reported the couple tied knot in front of their closest friends and family members. Just a while ago, Alia Bhatt took to Instagram to share the moments from the wedding ceremony. Both of them can be seen dressed in beautiful shades of white. While Ranbir wore an embroidered sherwani, Alia Bhatt dazzled in a beautiful saree! Both of their outfits are said to have been designed by Sabyasachi Mukherjee.Since the past two days, Alia Bhatt's and Ranbir Kapoor's fans have been waiting to hear the news of the wedding and finally catch a glimpse of the happy couple. As they tied the knot today (14th April, 2022) at his Mumbai home, it is being reported the couple tied knot in front of their closest friends and family members. Just a while ago, Alia Bhatt took to Instagram to share the moments from the wedding ceremony. Both of them can be seen dressed in beautiful shades of white. While Ranbir wore an embroidered sherwani, Alia Bhatt dazzled in a beautiful saree! Both of their outfits are said to have been designed by Sabyasachi Mukherjee.Since the past two days, Alia Bhatt's and Ranbir Kapoor's fans have been waiting to hear the news of the wedding and finally catch a glimpse of the happy couple. As they tied the knot today (14th April, 2022) at his Mumbai home, it is being reported the couple tied knot in front of their closest friends and family members. Just a while ago, Alia Bhatt took to Instagram to share the moments from the wedding ceremony. Both of them can be seen dressed in beautiful shades of white. While Ranbir wore an embroidered sherwani, Alia Bhatt dazzled in a beautiful saree! Both of their outfits are said to have been designed by Sabyasachi Mukherjee.Since the past two days, Alia Bhatt's and Ranbir Kapoor's fans have been waiting to hear the news of the wedding and finally catch a glimpse of the happy couple. As they tied the knot today (14th April, 2022) at his Mumbai home, it is being reported the couple tied knot in front of their closest friends and family members. Just a while ago, Alia Bhatt took to Instagram to share the moments from the wedding ceremony. Both of them can be seen dressed in beautiful shades of white. While Ranbir wore an embroidered sherwani, Alia Bhatt dazzled in a beautiful saree! Both of their outfits are said to have been designed by Sabyasachi Mukherjee.Since the past two days, Alia Bhatt's and Ranbir Kapoor's fans have been waiting to hear the news of the wedding and finally catch a glimpse of the happy couple. As they tied the knot today (14th April, 2022) at his Mumbai home, it is being reported the couple tied knot in front of their closest friends and family members. Just a while ago, Alia Bhatt took to Instagram to share the moments from the wedding ceremony. Both of them can be seen dressed in beautiful shades of white. While Ranbir wore an embroidered sherwani, Alia Bhatt dazzled in a beautiful saree! Both of their outfits are said to have been designed by Sabyasachi Mukherjee.Since the past two days, Alia Bhatt's and Ranbir Kapoor's fans have been waiting to hear the news of the wedding and finally catch a glimpse of the happy couple. As they tied the knot today (14th April, 2022) at his Mumbai home, it is being reported the couple tied knot in front of their closest friends and family members. Just a while ago, Alia Bhatt took to Instagram to share the moments from the wedding ceremony. Both of them can be seen dressed in beautiful shades of white. While Ranbir wore an embroidered sherwani, Alia Bhatt dazzled in a beautiful saree! Both of their outfits are said to have been designed by Sabyasachi Mukherjee.Since the past two days, Alia Bhatt's and Ranbir Kapoor's fans have been waiting to hear the news of the wedding and finally catch a glimpse of the happy couple. As they tied the knot today (14th April, 2022) at his Mumbai home, it is being reported the couple tied knot in front of their closest friends and family members. Just a while ago, Alia Bhatt took to Instagram to share the moments from the wedding ceremony. Both of them can be seen dressed in beautiful shades of white. While Ranbir wore an embroidered sherwani, Alia Bhatt dazzled in a beautiful saree! Both of their outfits are said to have been designed by Sabyasachi Mukherjee.Since the past two days, Alia Bhatt's and Ranbir Kapoor's fans have been waiting to hear the news of the wedding and finally catch a glimpse of the happy couple. As they tied the knot today (14th April, 2022) at his Mumbai home, it is being reported the couple tied knot in front of their closest friends and family members. Just a while ago, Alia Bhatt took to Instagram to share the moments from the wedding ceremony. Both of them can be seen dressed in beautiful shades of white. While Ranbir wore an embroidered sherwani, Alia Bhatt dazzled in a beautiful saree! Both of their outfits are said to have been designed by Sabyasachi Mukherjee.Since the past two days, Alia Bhatt's and Ranbir Kapoor's fans have been waiting to hear the news of the wedding and finally catch a glimpse of the happy couple. As they tied the knot today (14th April, 2022) at his Mumbai home, it is being reported the couple tied knot in front of their closest friends and family members. Just a while ago, Alia Bhatt took to Instagram to share the moments from the wedding ceremony. Both of them can be seen dressed in beautiful shades of white. While Ranbir wore an embroidered sherwani, Alia Bhatt dazzled in a beautiful saree! Both of their outfits are said to have been designed by Sabyasachi Mukherjee.Since the past two days, Alia Bhatt's and Ranbir Kapoor's fans have been waiting to hear the news of the wedding and finally catch a glimpse of the happy couple. As they tied the knot today (14th April, 2022) at his Mumbai home, it is being reported the couple tied knot in front of their closest friends and family members. Just a while ago, Alia Bhatt took to Instagram to share the moments from the wedding ceremony. Both of them can be seen dressed in beautiful shades of white. While Ranbir wore an embroidered sherwani, Alia Bhatt dazzled in a beautiful saree! Both of their outfits are said to have been designed by Sabyasachi Mukherjee.Since the past two days, Alia Bhatt's and Ranbir Kapoor's fans have been waiting to hear the news of the wedding and finally catch a glimpse of the happy couple. As they tied the knot today (14th April, 2022) at his Mumbai home, it is being reported the couple tied knot in front of their closest friends and family members. Just a while ago, Alia Bhatt took to Instagram to share the moments from the wedding ceremony. Both of them can be seen dressed in beautiful shades of white. While Ranbir wore an embroidered sherwani, Alia Bhatt dazzled in a beautiful saree! Both of their outfits are said to have been designed by Sabyasachi Mukherjee.Since the past two days, Alia Bhatt's and Ranbir Kapoor's fans have been waiting to hear the news of the wedding and finally catch a glimpse of the happy couple. As they tied the knot today (14th April, 2022) at his Mumbai home, it is being reported the couple tied knot in front of their closest friends and family members. Just a while ago, Alia Bhatt took to Instagram to share the moments from the wedding ceremony. Both of them can be seen dressed in beautiful shades of white. While Ranbir wore an embroidered sherwani, Alia Bhatt dazzled in a beautiful saree! Both of their outfits are said to have been designed by Sabyasachi Mukherjee.Since the past two days, Alia Bhatt's and Ranbir Kapoor's fans have been waiting to hear the news of the wedding and finally catch a glimpse of the happy couple. As they tied the knot today (14th April, 2022) at his Mumbai home, it is being reported the couple tied knot in front of their closest friends and family members. Just a while ago, Alia Bhatt took to Instagram to share the moments from the wedding ceremony. Both of them can be seen dressed in beautiful shades of white. While Ranbir wore an embroidered sherwani, Alia Bhatt dazzled in a beautiful saree! Both of their outfits are said to have been designed by Sabyasachi Mukherjee.Since the past two days, Alia Bhatt's and Ranbir Kapoor's fans have been waiting to hear the news of the wedding and finally catch a glimpse of the happy couple. As they tied the knot today (14th April, 2022) at his Mumbai home, it is being reported the couple tied knot in front of their closest friends and family members. Just a while ago, Alia Bhatt took to Instagram to share the moments from the wedding ceremony. Both of them can be seen dressed in beautiful shades of white. While Ranbir wore an embroidered sherwani, Alia Bhatt dazzled in a beautiful saree! Both of their outfits are said to have been designed by Sabyasachi Mukherjee.Since the past two days, Alia Bhatt's and Ranbir Kapoor's fans have been waiting to hear the news of the wedding and finally catch a glimpse of the happy couple. As they tied the knot today (14th April, 2022) at his Mumbai home, it is being reported the couple tied knot in front of their closest friends and
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