New Delhi: Esha Deol shared the most beautiful message for her husband, Bharat Takhtani, on their 10th wedding anniversary today. The couple got married in 2012 and have two daughters - Radhya and Miraya. In her post, Esha shared an adorable moment between the actress and her husband. The two dressed in white look at each other and smile with Esha's hand resting on Bharat's cheek. "I love you Radhya Miraya's Dada for eternity for keeps. Cheers to a decade filled with love & a few blows. You are my forever. Love you," Esha wrote in the post and added the hashtags "happy wedding anniversary", "we are a family", "love you" and "gratitude". Esha's father and veteran actor Dharmendra commented on the post and wished his "darling kids" on their wedding anniversary. He wrote, "Esha Bharat, Happy Marriage Anniversary my darling kids."
New Delhi: Esha Deol shared the most beautiful message for her husband, Bharat Takhtani, on their 10th wedding anniversary today. The couple got married in 2012 and have two daughters - Radhya and Miraya. In her post, Esha shared an adorable moment between the actress and her husband. The two dressed in white look at each other and smile with Esha's hand resting on Bharat's cheek. "I love you Radhya Miraya's Dada for eternity for keeps. Cheers to a decade filled with love & a few blows. You are my forever. Love you," Esha wrote in the post and added the hashtags "happy wedding anniversary", "we are a family", "love you" and "gratitude". Esha's father and veteran actor Dharmendra commented on the post and wished his "darling kids" on their wedding anniversary. He wrote, "Esha Bharat, Happy Marriage Anniversary my darling kids."New Delhi: Esha Deol shared the most beautiful message for her husband, Bharat Takhtani, on their 10th wedding anniversary today. The couple got married in 2012 and have two daughters - Radhya and Miraya. In her post, Esha shared an adorable moment between the actress and her husband. The two dressed in white look at each other and smile with Esha's hand resting on Bharat's cheek. "I love you Radhya Miraya's Dada for eternity for keeps. Cheers to a decade filled with love & a few blows. You are my forever. Love you," Esha wrote in the post and added the hashtags "happy wedding anniversary", "we are a family", "love you" and "gratitude". Esha's father and veteran actor Dharmendra commented on the post and wished his "darling kids" on their wedding anniversary. He wrote, "Esha Bharat, Happy Marriage Anniversary my darling kids."New Delhi: Esha Deol shared the most beautiful message for her husband, Bharat Takhtani, on their 10th wedding anniversary today. The couple got married in 2012 and have two daughters - Radhya and Miraya. In her post, Esha shared an adorable moment between the actress and her husband. The two dressed in white look at each other and smile with Esha's hand resting on Bharat's cheek. "I love you Radhya Miraya's Dada for eternity for keeps. Cheers to a decade filled with love & a few blows. You are my forever. Love you," Esha wrote in the post and added the hashtags "happy wedding anniversary", "we are a family", "love you" and "gratitude". Esha's father and veteran actor Dharmendra commented on the post and wished his "darling kids" on their wedding anniversary. He wrote, "Esha Bharat, Happy Marriage Anniversary my darling kids."New Delhi: Esha Deol shared the most beautiful message for her husband, Bharat Takhtani, on their 10th wedding anniversary today. The couple got married in 2012 and have two daughters - Radhya and Miraya. In her post, Esha shared an adorable moment between the actress and her husband. The two dressed in white look at each other and smile with Esha's hand resting on Bharat's cheek. "I love you Radhya Miraya's Dada for eternity for keeps. Cheers to a decade filled with love & a few blows. You are my forever. Love you," Esha wrote in the post and added the hashtags "happy wedding anniversary", "we are a family", "love you" and "gratitude". Esha's father and veteran actor Dharmendra commented on the post and wished his "darling kids" on their wedding anniversary. He wrote, "Esha Bharat, Happy Marriage Anniversary my darling kids."New Delhi: Esha Deol shared the most beautiful message for her husband, Bharat Takhtani, on their 10th wedding anniversary today. The couple got married in 2012 and have two daughters - Radhya and Miraya. In her post, Esha shared an adorable moment between the actress and her husband. The two dressed in white look at each other and smile with Esha's hand resting on Bharat's cheek. "I love you Radhya Miraya's Dada for eternity for keeps. Cheers to a decade filled with love & a few blows. You are my forever. Love you," Esha wrote in the post and added the hashtags "happy wedding anniversary", "we are a family", "love you" and "gratitude". Esha's father and veteran actor Dharmendra commented on the post and wished his "darling kids" on their wedding anniversary. He wrote, "Esha Bharat, Happy Marriage Anniversary my darling kids."New Delhi: Esha Deol shared the most beautiful message for her husband, Bharat Takhtani, on their 10th wedding anniversary today. The couple got married in 2012 and have two daughters - Radhya and Miraya. In her post, Esha shared an adorable moment between the actress and her husband. The two dressed in white look at each other and smile with Esha's hand resting on Bharat's cheek. "I love you Radhya Miraya's Dada for eternity for keeps. Cheers to a decade filled with love & a few blows. You are my forever. Love you," Esha wrote in the post and added the hashtags "happy wedding anniversary", "we are a family", "love you" and "gratitude". Esha's father and veteran actor Dharmendra commented on the post and wished his "darling kids" on their wedding anniversary. He wrote, "Esha Bharat, Happy Marriage Anniversary my darling kids."New Delhi: Esha Deol shared the most beautiful message for her husband, Bharat Takhtani, on their 10th wedding anniversary today. The couple got married in 2012 and have two daughters - Radhya and Miraya. In her post, Esha shared an adorable moment between the actress and her husband. The two dressed in white look at each other and smile with Esha's hand resting on Bharat's cheek. "I love you Radhya Miraya's Dada for eternity for keeps. Cheers to a decade filled with love & a few blows. You are my forever. Love you," Esha wrote in the post and added the hashtags "happy wedding anniversary", "we are a family", "love you" and "gratitude". Esha's father and veteran actor Dharmendra commented on the post and wished his "darling kids" on their wedding anniversary. He wrote, "Esha Bharat, Happy Marriage Anniversary my darling kids."New Delhi: Esha Deol shared the most beautiful message for her husband, Bharat Takhtani, on their 10th wedding anniversary today. The couple got married in 2012 and have two daughters - Radhya and Miraya. In her post, Esha shared an adorable moment between the actress and her husband. The two dressed in white look at each other and smile with Esha's hand resting on Bharat's cheek. "I love you Radhya Miraya's Dada for eternity for keeps. Cheers to a decade filled with love & a few blows. You are my forever. Love you," Esha wrote in the post and added the hashtags "happy wedding anniversary", "we are a family", "love you" and "gratitude". Esha's father and veteran actor Dharmendra commented on the post and wished his "darling kids" on their wedding anniversary. He wrote, "Esha Bharat, Happy Marriage Anniversary my darling kids."New Delhi: Esha Deol shared the most beautiful message for her husband, Bharat Takhtani, on their 10th wedding anniversary today. The couple got married in 2012 and have two daughters - Radhya and Miraya. In her post, Esha shared an adorable moment between the actress and her husband. The two dressed in white look at each other and smile with Esha's hand resting on Bharat's cheek. "I love you Radhya Miraya's Dada for eternity for keeps. Cheers to a decade filled with love & a few blows. You are my forever. Love you," Esha wrote in the post and added the hashtags "happy wedding anniversary", "we are a family", "love you" and "gratitude". Esha's father and veteran actor Dharmendra commented on the post and wished his "darling kids" on their wedding anniversary. He wrote, "Esha Bharat, Happy Marriage Anniversary my darling kids."New Delhi: Esha Deol shared the most beautiful message for her husband, Bharat Takhtani, on their 10th wedding anniversary today. The couple got married in 2012 and have two daughters - Radhya and Miraya. In her post, Esha shared an adorable moment between the actress and her husband. The two dressed in white look at each other and smile with Esha's hand resting on Bharat's cheek. "I love you Radhya Miraya's Dada for eternity for keeps. Cheers to a decade filled with love & a few blows. You are my forever. Love you," Esha wrote in the post and added the hashtags "happy wedding anniversary", "we are a family", "love you" and "gratitude". Esha's father and veteran actor Dharmendra commented on the post and wished his "darling kids" on their wedding anniversary. He wrote, "Esha Bharat, Happy Marriage Anniversary my darling kids."New Delhi: Esha Deol shared the most beautiful message for her husband, Bharat Takhtani, on their 10th wedding anniversary today. The couple got married in 2012 and have two daughters - Radhya and Miraya. In her post, Esha shared an adorable moment between the actress and her husband. The two dressed in white look at each other and smile with Esha's hand resting on Bharat's cheek. "I love you Radhya Miraya's Dada for eternity for keeps. Cheers to a decade filled with love & a few blows. You are my forever. Love you," Esha wrote in the post and added the hashtags "happy wedding anniversary", "we are a family", "love you" and "gratitude". Esha's father and veteran actor Dharmendra commented on the post and wished his "darling kids" on their wedding anniversary. He wrote, "Esha Bharat, Happy Marriage Anniversary my darling kids."New Delhi: Esha Deol shared the most beautiful message for her husband, Bharat Takhtani, on their 10th wedding anniversary today. The couple got married in 2012 and have two daughters - Radhya and Miraya. In her post, Esha shared an adorable moment between the actress and her husband. The two dressed in white look at each other and smile with Esha's hand resting on Bharat's cheek. "I love you Radhya Miraya's Dada for eternity for keeps. Cheers to a decade filled with love & a few blows. You are my forever. Love you," Esha wrote in the post and added the hashtags "happy wedding anniversary", "we are a family", "love you" and "gratitude". Esha's father and veteran actor Dharmendra commented on the post and wished his "darling kids" on their wedding anniversary. He wrote, "Esha Bharat, Happy Marriage Anniversary my darling kids."New Delhi: Esha Deol shared the most beautiful message for her husband, Bharat Takhtani, on their 10th wedding anniversary today. The couple got married in 2012 and have two daughters - Radhya and Miraya. In her post, Esha shared an adorable moment betwee
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