Western science has been closely cooperating with business for a long time. Therefore, many studies are ordered by the manufacturers of a particular product. Japanese scientists from the Tokyo laboratory were the first to become interested in the possibilities of collagen supplements. For the study were selected 60 women no older than 40 years. The subjects were divided into two groups - one group received a placebo, the other group took one of the types of collagen. The subjects' skin was analyzed every four weeks. According to a study report, women who took collagen showed a 16% increase in skin moisture after the first four weeks, and a 26% increase after eight. There were no changes in subjects taking placebo. At the same time, as the researchers note, the additive did not affect the natural water exchange. The second study of the possibilities of collagen was conducted by the French in 2012. This study was larger - 160 subjects took part in it. In addition, women 40-65 years old were selected for the study. The study lasted almost three months. One group received a placebo, the other 10 g of collagen, in the morning on an empty stomach. French scientists went further than their Japanese counterparts. They studied not only the increase in skin moisture, but also its density and elasticity - echogenicity. Control studies were carried out every four weeks. According to reports, scientists have found that taking collagen significantly increases the echogenicity of the skin, improves its structure and moisture. At the same time, improvements were observed for another twelve weeks after discontinuation of the collagen supplement. As we can see, scientists have resolved the debate about the benefits and effectiveness of collagen, giving an unequivocal answer - taking a supplement can improve the appearance of the skin. The world's leading manufacturers offer different types of dietary supplements: shots, sachets, marmalade, capsules and tablets. Different dosages and additional additives, different types of raw materials - it's easy to get confused in all this. Sometimes, in order to understand which collagen is worth buying, you have to study tons of information. This article presents the most pressing questions and detailed answers to them from our nutritionist - Olesya Pronina. We are sure that after studying this material, you will easily choose not only the collagen supplement you need in the dosage that is optimal for your case, but you will also be able to independently select additional nutrients that will make it even more effective.
After 25-30 years, according to a number of clinical studies, we all begin to face a decrease in collagen levels. To date, the generally accepted daily allowance is 2.5 - 5 grams per day for those who are 30 years old or older.
The higher the age category, the higher our need for incoming collagen. In Asia, collagen dosages can reach 25 grams per day, but scientific justification for such high dosages in open medical sources has not yet been presented.
According to a 2019 review of clinical studies, daily hydrolyzed collagen at 2.5-15g is effective and safe 1 . Reliable data on the side effects of the drug have not been recorded, only under the condition of allergic reactions to the protein.
But do not forget that an excess of incoming protein in the diet significantly increases the burden on the kidneys and liver, which can adversely affect diseases of the relevant organs.
Collagen is widely used today for:
Today, hydrolyzed collagen is also considered an effective antioxidant. This small molecular weight protein is widely used due to its excellent biocompatibility and low antigenicity.
The antioxidant properties of hydrolyzed collagen are determined by the size of the molecule: the smaller the molecular weight of the peptides, the greater the ability to donate an electron or hydrogen to stabilize radicals.
The required dosage will be made up of several criteria: your age, external factors that contribute to the loss of collagen + the problem that you would like to solve with the help of collagen: maintain the beauty of the skin, hair, nails; support the health of joints and ligaments, or skin turgor is important to you in the process of weight loss.
For example, to improve the condition of the skin, nails and hair, 5-6 grams of collagen per day is enough for 3-6 months.
To solve problems with the musculoskeletal system in case you have injuries, it is recommended to double the dosage, and increase the duration of administration to 6-8 months.
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- The antioxidant properties of hydrolyzed collagen are determined by the size of the molecule: the smaller the molecular
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