Mumbai: With the BJP on course to win big in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand and attain pole position in Manipur and Goa, the Shiv Sena on Thursday said the BJP should learn to digest success and attributed its performance in recent Assembly polls to good election management. On its dismal performance in Goa, Uttar Pradesh and Manipur, Shiv Sena chief spokesperson Sanjay Raut said his party received less votes than NOTA (none of the above) because it fell "short of the notes" the BJP used. The Uddhav Thackeray-led party failed to open its account in states where it fielded its candidates. Mr Raut also took a dig at the BJP, a former ally of the Shiv Sena, over its poor performance in Punjab, where the national party failed to make a mark in the Assembly polls. "What success did the BJP, a national party with Modi-Shah at its face, achieve in Punjab?" the Rajya Sabha MP asked. "It is easy to digest failure, but the BJP should learn to digest success. (Only) some people can digest success," Raut said, reacting to the BJP's performance in Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Goa and Manipur Assemby polls. The BJP is set to retain power in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand and the party has attained pole position in Goa and Manipur, where it is on course to form the next government.
Mumbai: With the BJP on course to win big in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand and attain pole position in Manipur and Goa, the Shiv Sena on Thursday said the BJP should learn to digest success and attributed its performance in recent Assembly polls to good election management. On its dismal performance in Goa, Uttar Pradesh and Manipur, Shiv Sena chief spokesperson Sanjay Raut said his party received less votes than NOTA (none of the above) because it fell "short of the notes" the BJP used. The Uddhav Thackeray-led party failed to open its account in states where it fielded its candidates. Mr Raut also took a dig at the BJP, a former ally of the Shiv Sena, over its poor performance in Punjab, where the national party failed to make a mark in the Assembly polls. "What success did the BJP, a national party with Modi-Shah at its face, achieve in Punjab?" the Rajya Sabha MP asked. "It is easy to digest failure, but the BJP should learn to digest success. (Only) some people can digest success," Raut said, reacting to the BJP's performance in Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Goa and Manipur Assemby polls. The BJP is set to retain power in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand and the party has attained pole position in Goa and Manipur, where it is on course to form the next government.Mumbai: With the BJP on course to win big in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand and attain pole position in Manipur and Goa, the Shiv Sena on Thursday said the BJP should learn to digest success and attributed its performance in recent Assembly polls to good election management. On its dismal performance in Goa, Uttar Pradesh and Manipur, Shiv Sena chief spokesperson Sanjay Raut said his party received less votes than NOTA (none of the above) because it fell "short of the notes" the BJP used. The Uddhav Thackeray-led party failed to open its account in states where it fielded its candidates. Mr Raut also took a dig at the BJP, a former ally of the Shiv Sena, over its poor performance in Punjab, where the national party failed to make a mark in the Assembly polls. "What success did the BJP, a national party with Modi-Shah at its face, achieve in Punjab?" the Rajya Sabha MP asked. "It is easy to digest failure, but the BJP should learn to digest success. (Only) some people can digest success," Raut said, reacting to the BJP's performance in Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Goa and Manipur Assemby polls. The BJP is set to retain power in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand and the party has attained pole position in Goa and Manipur, where it is on course to form the next government.Mumbai: With the BJP on course to win big in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand and attain pole position in Manipur and Goa, the Shiv Sena on Thursday said the BJP should learn to digest success and attributed its performance in recent Assembly polls to good election management. On its dismal performance in Goa, Uttar Pradesh and Manipur, Shiv Sena chief spokesperson Sanjay Raut said his party received less votes than NOTA (none of the above) because it fell "short of the notes" the BJP used. The Uddhav Thackeray-led party failed to open its account in states where it fielded its candidates. Mr Raut also took a dig at the BJP, a former ally of the Shiv Sena, over its poor performance in Punjab, where the national party failed to make a mark in the Assembly polls. "What success did the BJP, a national party with Modi-Shah at its face, achieve in Punjab?" the Rajya Sabha MP asked. "It is easy to digest failure, but the BJP should learn to digest success. (Only) some people can digest success," Raut said, reacting to the BJP's performance in Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Goa and Manipur Assemby polls. The BJP is set to retain power in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand and the party has attained pole position in Goa and Manipur, where it is on course to form the next government.Mumbai: With the BJP on course to win big in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand and attain pole position in Manipur and Goa, the Shiv Sena on Thursday said the BJP should learn to digest success and attributed its performance in recent Assembly polls to good election management. On its dismal performance in Goa, Uttar Pradesh and Manipur, Shiv Sena chief spokesperson Sanjay Raut said his party received less votes than NOTA (none of the above) because it fell "short of the notes" the BJP used. The Uddhav Thackeray-led party failed to open its account in states where it fielded its candidates. Mr Raut also took a dig at the BJP, a former ally of the Shiv Sena, over its poor performance in Punjab, where the national party failed to make a mark in the Assembly polls. "What success did the BJP, a national party with Modi-Shah at its face, achieve in Punjab?" the Rajya Sabha MP asked. "It is easy to digest failure, but the BJP should learn to digest success. (Only) some people can digest success," Raut said, reacting to the BJP's performance in Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Goa and Manipur Assemby polls. The BJP is set to retain power in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand and the party has attained pole position in Goa and Manipur, where it is on course to form the next government.Mumbai: With the BJP on course to win big in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand and attain pole position in Manipur and Goa, the Shiv Sena on Thursday said the BJP should learn to digest success and attributed its performance in recent Assembly polls to good election management. On its dismal performance in Goa, Uttar Pradesh and Manipur, Shiv Sena chief spokesperson Sanjay Raut said his party received less votes than NOTA (none of the above) because it fell "short of the notes" the BJP used. The Uddhav Thackeray-led party failed to open its account in states where it fielded its candidates. Mr Raut also took a dig at the BJP, a former ally of the Shiv Sena, over its poor performance in Punjab, where the national party failed to make a mark in the Assembly polls. "What success did the BJP, a national party with Modi-Shah at its face, achieve in Punjab?" the Rajya Sabha MP asked. "It is easy to digest failure, but the BJP should learn to digest success. (Only) some people can digest success," Raut said, reacting to the BJP's performance in Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Goa and Manipur Assemby polls. The BJP is set to retain power in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand and the party has attained pole position in Goa and Manipur, where it is on course to form the next government.Mumbai: With the BJP on course to win big in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand and attain pole position in Manipur and Goa, the Shiv Sena on Thursday said the BJP should learn to digest success and attributed its performance in recent Assembly polls to good election management. On its dismal performance in Goa, Uttar Pradesh and Manipur, Shiv Sena chief spokesperson Sanjay Raut said his party received less votes than NOTA (none of the above) because it fell "short of the notes" the BJP used. The Uddhav Thackeray-led party failed to open its account in states where it fielded its candidates. Mr Raut also took a dig at the BJP, a former ally of the Shiv Sena, over its poor performance in Punjab, where the national party failed to make a mark in the Assembly polls. "What success did the BJP, a national party with Modi-Shah at its face, achieve in Punjab?" the Rajya Sabha MP asked. "It is easy to digest failure, but the BJP should learn to digest success. (Only) some people can digest success," Raut said, reacting to the BJP's performance in Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Goa and Manipur Assemby polls. The BJP is set to retain power in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand and the party has attained pole position in Goa and Manipur, where it is on course to form the next government.Mumbai: With the BJP on course to win big in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand and attain pole position in Manipur and Goa, the Shiv Sena on Thursday said the BJP should learn to digest success and attributed its performance in recent Assembly polls to good election management. On its dismal performance in Goa, Uttar Pradesh and Manipur, Shiv Sena chief spokesperson Sanjay Raut said his party received less votes than NOTA (none of the above) because it fell "short of the notes" the BJP used. The Uddhav Thackeray-led party failed to open its account in states where it fielded its candidates. Mr Raut also took a dig at the BJP, a former ally of the Shiv Sena, over its poor performance in Punjab, where the national party failed to make a mark in the Assembly polls. "What success did the BJP, a national party with Modi-Shah at its face, achieve in Punjab?" the Rajya Sabha MP asked. "It is easy to digest failure, but the BJP should learn to digest success. (Only) some people can digest success," Raut said, reacting to the BJP's performance in Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Goa and Manipur Assemby polls. The BJP is set to retain power in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand and the party has attained pole position in Goa and Manipur, where it is on course to form the next government.Mumbai: With the BJP on course to win big in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand and attain pole position in Manipur and Goa, the Shiv Sena on Thursday said the BJP should learn to digest success and attributed its performance in recent Assembly polls to good election management. On its dismal performance in Goa, Uttar Pradesh and Manipur, Shiv Sena chief spokesperson Sanjay Raut said his party received less votes than NOTA (none of the above) because it fell "short of the notes" the BJP used. The Uddhav Thackeray-led party failed to open its account in states where it fielded its candidates. Mr Raut also took a dig at the BJP, a former ally of the Shiv Sena, over its poor performance in Punjab, where the national party failed to make a mark in the Assembly polls. "What success did the BJP, a national party with Modi-Shah at its face, achieve in Punjab?" the Rajya Sabha MP asked. "It is easy to digest failure, but the BJP should learn to digest success. (Only) some people can digest success," Raut said, reacting to the BJP's performance in Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Goa and Manipur Assemby polls. The BJP is set to retain power in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand and the party has attained pole position in Goa and Manipur, where it is on course to form the next government.Mumbai: With the BJP on course to win big in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand and attain pole position in Manipur and Goa, the Shiv Sena on Thursday said the BJP should learn to di
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