A bank note found in a charity shop was recently auctioned online for a whopping £140,000 (Rs 1.3 crore). The news is going viral on social media with the users claiming the rare currency note was sold at nearly 1,400 times its original value. The £100 Palestine pound was found by Oxfam volunteer Paul Wyman when he was working in charity's Brentwood branch in Essex, according to The Independent. During the British Mandate in Palestine in 1927, the £100 Palestine pound note was issued to high-ranking officials.
A bank note found in a charity shop was recently auctioned online for a whopping £140,000 (Rs 1.3 crore). The news is going viral on social media with the users claiming the rare currency note was sold at nearly 1,400 times its original value. The £100 Palestine pound was found by Oxfam volunteer Paul Wyman when he was working in charity's Brentwood branch in Essex, according to The Independent. During the British Mandate in Palestine in 1927, the £100 Palestine pound note was issued to high-ranking officials.A bank note found in a charity shop was recently auctioned online for a whopping £140,000 (Rs 1.3 crore). The news is going viral on social media with the users claiming the rare currency note was sold at nearly 1,400 times its original value. The £100 Palestine pound was found by Oxfam volunteer Paul Wyman when he was working in charity's Brentwood branch in Essex, according to The Independent. During the British Mandate in Palestine in 1927, the £100 Palestine pound note was issued to high-ranking officials.A bank note found in a charity shop was recently auctioned online for a whopping £140,000 (Rs 1.3 crore). The news is going viral on social media with the users claiming the rare currency note was sold at nearly 1,400 times its original value. The £100 Palestine pound was found by Oxfam volunteer Paul Wyman when he was working in charity's Brentwood branch in Essex, according to The Independent. During the British Mandate in Palestine in 1927, the £100 Palestine pound note was issued to high-ranking officials.A bank note found in a charity shop was recently auctioned online for a whopping £140,000 (Rs 1.3 crore). The news is going viral on social media with the users claiming the rare currency note was sold at nearly 1,400 times its original value. The £100 Palestine pound was found by Oxfam volunteer Paul Wyman when he was working in charity's Brentwood branch in Essex, according to The Independent. During the British Mandate in Palestine in 1927, the £100 Palestine pound note was issued to high-ranking officials.A bank note found in a charity shop was recently auctioned online for a whopping £140,000 (Rs 1.3 crore). The news is going viral on social media with the users claiming the rare currency note was sold at nearly 1,400 times its original value. The £100 Palestine pound was found by Oxfam volunteer Paul Wyman when he was working in charity's Brentwood branch in Essex, according to The Independent. During the British Mandate in Palestine in 1927, the £100 Palestine pound note was issued to high-ranking officials.A bank note found in a charity shop was recently auctioned online for a whopping £140,000 (Rs 1.3 crore). The news is going viral on social media with the users claiming the rare currency note was sold at nearly 1,400 times its original value. The £100 Palestine pound was found by Oxfam volunteer Paul Wyman when he was working in charity's Brentwood branch in Essex, according to The Independent. During the British Mandate in Palestine in 1927, the £100 Palestine pound note was issued to high-ranking officials.A bank note found in a charity shop was recently auctioned online for a whopping £140,000 (Rs 1.3 crore). The news is going viral on social media with the users claiming the rare currency note was sold at nearly 1,400 times its original value. The £100 Palestine pound was found by Oxfam volunteer Paul Wyman when he was working in charity's Brentwood branch in Essex, according to The Independent. During the British Mandate in Palestine in 1927, the £100 Palestine pound note was issued to high-ranking officials.A bank note found in a charity shop was recently auctioned online for a whopping £140,000 (Rs 1.3 crore). The news is going viral on social media with the users claiming the rare currency note was sold at nearly 1,400 times its original value. The £100 Palestine pound was found by Oxfam volunteer Paul Wyman when he was working in charity's Brentwood branch in Essex, according to The Independent. During the British Mandate in Palestine in 1927, the £100 Palestine pound note was issued to high-ranking officials.A bank note found in a charity shop was recently auctioned online for a whopping £140,000 (Rs 1.3 crore). The news is going viral on social media with the users claiming the rare currency note was sold at nearly 1,400 times its original value. The £100 Palestine pound was found by Oxfam volunteer Paul Wyman when he was working in charity's Brentwood branch in Essex, according to The Independent. During the British Mandate in Palestine in 1927, the £100 Palestine pound note was issued to high-ranking officials.A bank note found in a charity shop was recently auctioned online for a whopping £140,000 (Rs 1.3 crore). The news is going viral on social media with the users claiming the rare currency note was sold at nearly 1,400 times its original value. The £100 Palestine pound was found by Oxfam volunteer Paul Wyman when he was working in charity's Brentwood branch in Essex, according to The Independent. During the British Mandate in Palestine in 1927, the £100 Palestine pound note was issued to high-ranking officials.A bank note found in a charity shop was recently auctioned online for a whopping £140,000 (Rs 1.3 crore). The news is going viral on social media with the users claiming the rare currency note was sold at nearly 1,400 times its original value. The £100 Palestine pound was found by Oxfam volunteer Paul Wyman when he was working in charity's Brentwood branch in Essex, according to The Independent. During the British Mandate in Palestine in 1927, the £100 Palestine pound note was issued to high-ranking officials.A bank note found in a charity shop was recently auctioned online for a whopping £140,000 (Rs 1.3 crore). The news is going viral on social media with the users claiming the rare currency note was sold at nearly 1,400 times its original value. The £100 Palestine pound was found by Oxfam volunteer Paul Wyman when he was working in charity's Brentwood branch in Essex, according to The Independent. During the British Mandate in Palestine in 1927, the £100 Palestine pound note was issued to high-ranking officials.A bank note found in a charity shop was recently auctioned online for a whopping £140,000 (Rs 1.3 crore). The news is going viral on social media with the users claiming the rare currency note was sold at nearly 1,400 times its original value. The £100 Palestine pound was found by Oxfam volunteer Paul Wyman when he was working in charity's Brentwood branch in Essex, according to The Independent. During the British Mandate in Palestine in 1927, the £100 Palestine pound note was issued to high-ranking officials.A bank note found in a charity shop was recently auctioned online for a whopping £140,000 (Rs 1.3 crore). The news is going viral on social media with the users claiming the rare currency note was sold at nearly 1,400 times its original value. The £100 Palestine pound was found by Oxfam volunteer Paul Wyman when he was working in charity's Brentwood branch in Essex, according to The Independent. During the British Mandate in Palestine in 1927, the £100 Palestine pound note was issued to high-ranking officials.A bank note found in a charity shop was recently auctioned online for a whopping £140,000 (Rs 1.3 crore). The news is going viral on social media with the users claiming the rare currency note was sold at nearly 1,400 times its original value. The £100 Palestine pound was found by Oxfam volunteer Paul Wyman when he was working in charity's Brentwood branch in Essex, according to The Independent. During the British Mandate in Palestine in 1927, the £100 Palestine pound note was issued to high-ranking officials.A bank note found in a charity shop was recently auctioned online for a whopping £140,000 (Rs 1.3 crore). The news is going viral on social media with the users claiming the rare currency note was sold at nearly 1,400 times its original value. The £100 Palestine pound was found by Oxfam volunteer Paul Wyman when he was working in charity's Brentwood branch in Essex, according to The Independent. During the British Mandate in Palestine in 1927, the £100 Palestine pound note was issued to high-ranking officials.A bank note found in a charity shop was recently auctioned online for a whopping £140,000 (Rs 1.3 crore). The news is going viral on social media with the users claiming the rare currency note was sold at nearly 1,400 times its original value. The £100 Palestine pound was found by Oxfam volunteer Paul Wyman when he was working in charity's Brentwood branch in Essex, according to The Independent. During the British Mandate in Palestine in 1927, the £100 Palestine pound note was issued to high-ranking officials.A bank note found in a charity shop was recently auctioned online for a whopping £140,000 (Rs 1.3 crore). The news is going viral on social media with the users claiming the rare currency note was sold at nearly 1,400 times its original value. The £100 Palestine pound was found by Oxfam volunteer Paul Wyman when he was working in charity's Brentwood branch in Essex, according to The Independent. During the British Mandate in Palestine in 1927, the £100 Palestine pound note was issued to high-ranking officials.A bank note found in a charity shop was recently auctioned online for a whopping £140,000 (Rs 1.3 crore). The news is going viral on social media with the users claiming the rare currency note was sold at nearly 1,400 times its original value. The £100 Palestine pound was found by Oxfam volunteer Paul Wyman when he was working in charity's Brentwood branch in Essex, according to The Independent. During the British Mandate in Palestine in 1927, the £100 Palestine pound note was issued to high-ranking officials.A bank note found in a charity shop was recently auctioned online for a whopping £140,000 (Rs 1.3 crore). The news is going viral on social media with the users claiming the rare currency note was sold at nearly 1,400 times its original value. The £100 Palestine pound was found by Oxfam volunteer Paul Wyman when he was working in charity's Brentwood branch in Essex, according to The Independent. During the British Mandate in Palestine in 1927, the £100 Palestine pound note was issued to high-ranking officials.A bank note found in a charity shop was recently auctioned online for a whopping £140,000 (Rs 1.3 crore). The news is going viral on social media with the users claiming the rare currency note was sold at nearly 1,400 times its original value. The £100 Palestine pound was found by Oxfam volunteer Paul Wyman when he was working in charity's Brentwood branch in Essex, according to The Independent. During the British Mandate in Palestine in 1927, the £100 Palestine pound note was issued to high-ranking officials.
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