New Delhi: The government has ordered a probe into the incident of an Ola electric scooter catching fire in Pune last week. The Centre for Fire Explosive and Environment Safety (CFEES) has been asked to probe the circumstances that led to the incident and also suggest remedial measures, according to the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH). In a letter to CFEES, the ministry has also asked it to share the findings along with the remedial measures for improvement and to prevent such incidents in the future. On Saturday, Ola Electric said it was investigating the incident of its electric scooter catching fire in Pune and that it would take appropriate action. A video of the company's electric scooter catching fire was widely circulated on social media with users raising questions over the safety standards of the vehicle.
New Delhi: The government has ordered a probe into the incident of an Ola electric scooter catching fire in Pune last week. The Centre for Fire Explosive and Environment Safety (CFEES) has been asked to probe the circumstances that led to the incident and also suggest remedial measures, according to the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH). In a letter to CFEES, the ministry has also asked it to share the findings along with the remedial measures for improvement and to prevent such incidents in the future. On Saturday, Ola Electric said it was investigating the incident of its electric scooter catching fire in Pune and that it would take appropriate action. A video of the company's electric scooter catching fire was widely circulated on social media with users raising questions over the safety standards of the vehicle.New Delhi: The government has ordered a probe into the incident of an Ola electric scooter catching fire in Pune last week. The Centre for Fire Explosive and Environment Safety (CFEES) has been asked to probe the circumstances that led to the incident and also suggest remedial measures, according to the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH). In a letter to CFEES, the ministry has also asked it to share the findings along with the remedial measures for improvement and to prevent such incidents in the future. On Saturday, Ola Electric said it was investigating the incident of its electric scooter catching fire in Pune and that it would take appropriate action. A video of the company's electric scooter catching fire was widely circulated on social media with users raising questions over the safety standards of the vehicle.New Delhi: The government has ordered a probe into the incident of an Ola electric scooter catching fire in Pune last week. The Centre for Fire Explosive and Environment Safety (CFEES) has been asked to probe the circumstances that led to the incident and also suggest remedial measures, according to the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH). In a letter to CFEES, the ministry has also asked it to share the findings along with the remedial measures for improvement and to prevent such incidents in the future. On Saturday, Ola Electric said it was investigating the incident of its electric scooter catching fire in Pune and that it would take appropriate action. A video of the company's electric scooter catching fire was widely circulated on social media with users raising questions over the safety standards of the vehicle.New Delhi: The government has ordered a probe into the incident of an Ola electric scooter catching fire in Pune last week. The Centre for Fire Explosive and Environment Safety (CFEES) has been asked to probe the circumstances that led to the incident and also suggest remedial measures, according to the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH). In a letter to CFEES, the ministry has also asked it to share the findings along with the remedial measures for improvement and to prevent such incidents in the future. On Saturday, Ola Electric said it was investigating the incident of its electric scooter catching fire in Pune and that it would take appropriate action. A video of the company's electric scooter catching fire was widely circulated on social media with users raising questions over the safety standards of the vehicle.New Delhi: The government has ordered a probe into the incident of an Ola electric scooter catching fire in Pune last week. The Centre for Fire Explosive and Environment Safety (CFEES) has been asked to probe the circumstances that led to the incident and also suggest remedial measures, according to the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH). In a letter to CFEES, the ministry has also asked it to share the findings along with the remedial measures for improvement and to prevent such incidents in the future. On Saturday, Ola Electric said it was investigating the incident of its electric scooter catching fire in Pune and that it would take appropriate action. A video of the company's electric scooter catching fire was widely circulated on social media with users raising questions over the safety standards of the vehicle.New Delhi: The government has ordered a probe into the incident of an Ola electric scooter catching fire in Pune last week. The Centre for Fire Explosive and Environment Safety (CFEES) has been asked to probe the circumstances that led to the incident and also suggest remedial measures, according to the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH). In a letter to CFEES, the ministry has also asked it to share the findings along with the remedial measures for improvement and to prevent such incidents in the future. On Saturday, Ola Electric said it was investigating the incident of its electric scooter catching fire in Pune and that it would take appropriate action. A video of the company's electric scooter catching fire was widely circulated on social media with users raising questions over the safety standards of the vehicle.New Delhi: The government has ordered a probe into the incident of an Ola electric scooter catching fire in Pune last week. The Centre for Fire Explosive and Environment Safety (CFEES) has been asked to probe the circumstances that led to the incident and also suggest remedial measures, according to the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH). In a letter to CFEES, the ministry has also asked it to share the findings along with the remedial measures for improvement and to prevent such incidents in the future. On Saturday, Ola Electric said it was investigating the incident of its electric scooter catching fire in Pune and that it would take appropriate action. A video of the company's electric scooter catching fire was widely circulated on social media with users raising questions over the safety standards of the vehicle.New Delhi: The government has ordered a probe into the incident of an Ola electric scooter catching fire in Pune last week. The Centre for Fire Explosive and Environment Safety (CFEES) has been asked to probe the circumstances that led to the incident and also suggest remedial measures, according to the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH). In a letter to CFEES, the ministry has also asked it to share the findings along with the remedial measures for improvement and to prevent such incidents in the future. On Saturday, Ola Electric said it was investigating the incident of its electric scooter catching fire in Pune and that it would take appropriate action. A video of the company's electric scooter catching fire was widely circulated on social media with users raising questions over the safety standards of the vehicle.New Delhi: The government has ordered a probe into the incident of an Ola electric scooter catching fire in Pune last week. The Centre for Fire Explosive and Environment Safety (CFEES) has been asked to probe the circumstances that led to the incident and also suggest remedial measures, according to the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH). In a letter to CFEES, the ministry has also asked it to share the findings along with the remedial measures for improvement and to prevent such incidents in the future. On Saturday, Ola Electric said it was investigating the incident of its electric scooter catching fire in Pune and that it would take appropriate action. A video of the company's electric scooter catching fire was widely circulated on social media with users raising questions over the safety standards of the vehicle.New Delhi: The government has ordered a probe into the incident of an Ola electric scooter catching fire in Pune last week. The Centre for Fire Explosive and Environment Safety (CFEES) has been asked to probe the circumstances that led to the incident and also suggest remedial measures, according to the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH). In a letter to CFEES, the ministry has also asked it to share the findings along with the remedial measures for improvement and to prevent such incidents in the future. On Saturday, Ola Electric said it was investigating the incident of its electric scooter catching fire in Pune and that it would take appropriate action. A video of the company's electric scooter catching fire was widely circulated on social media with users raising questions over the safety standards of the vehicle.New Delhi: The government has ordered a probe into the incident of an Ola electric scooter catching fire in Pune last week. The Centre for Fire Explosive and Environment Safety (CFEES) has been asked to probe the circumstances that led to the incident and also suggest remedial measures, according to the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH). In a letter to CFEES, the ministry has also asked it to share the findings along with the remedial measures for improvement and to prevent such incidents in the future. On Saturday, Ola Electric said it was investigating the incident of its electric scooter catching fire in Pune and that it would take appropriate action. A video of the company's electric scooter catching fire was widely circulated on social media with users raising questions over the safety standards of the vehicle.New Delhi: The government has ordered a probe into the incident of an Ola electric scooter catching fire in Pune last week. The Centre for Fire Explosive and Environment Safety (CFEES) has been asked to probe the circumstances that led to the incident and also suggest remedial measures, according to the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH). In a letter to CFEES, the ministry has also asked it to share the findings along with the remedial measures for improvement and to prevent such incidents in the future. On Saturday, Ola Electric said it was investigating the incident of its electric scooter catching fire in Pune and that it would take appropriate action. A video of the company's electric scooter catching fire was widely circulated on social media with users raising questions over the safety standards of the vehicle.New Delhi: The government has ordered a probe into the incident of an Ola electric scooter catching fire in Pune last week. The Centre for Fire Explosive and Environment Safety (CFEES) has been asked to probe the circumstances that led to the incident and also suggest remedial measures, according to the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH). In a letter to CFEES, the ministry has also asked it to share the findings along with the remedial measures for improvement and to prevent such incidents in the future. On Saturday, Ola Electric said it was investigating the incident of its electric scooter catching fire in Pune and that it would take appropriate action. A video of the company's electric scooter catching fire was widely circulated on social media with users raising questions over the safety standards of the vehicle.New Delhi: The government has ordered a probe into the incident of an Ola electric scooter catching fire in Pune last week. The Centre for Fire Explosive and Environment Safety (CFEES) has been asked to probe the circumstances that led to the incident and also suggest remedial measures, accor
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- Ola Electric said it was investigating the incident of its electric scooter catching fire in Pune and that it would take appropriate
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