New Delhi: Delhi Police on Tuesday arrested a person for allegedly giving a pistol to an accused in the Jahangirpuri violence that erupted between members of two groups during a Hanuman Jayanti procession on April 16. According to the police, the person is identified as Gulli. Meanwhile, National Security Act (NSA) was on Tuesday imposed against five culprits involved in the clashes, top government officials said. NSA has been imposed against Ansar, Salim, Imam Sheikh alias Sonu, Dilshad and Ahir for their involvement in the Jahangirpuri violence, officials said. The situation turned tense in the north-west Delhi's Jahangirpuri soon after stone-pelting and chaos ensued following clashes between members of two communities during a Hanuman Jayanti procession in the evening.
New Delhi: Delhi Police on Tuesday arrested a person for allegedly giving a pistol to an accused in the Jahangirpuri violence that erupted between members of two groups during a Hanuman Jayanti procession on April 16. According to the police, the person is identified as Gulli. Meanwhile, National Security Act (NSA) was on Tuesday imposed against five culprits involved in the clashes, top government officials said. NSA has been imposed against Ansar, Salim, Imam Sheikh alias Sonu, Dilshad and Ahir for their involvement in the Jahangirpuri violence, officials said. The situation turned tense in the north-west Delhi's Jahangirpuri soon after stone-pelting and chaos ensued following clashes between members of two communities during a Hanuman Jayanti procession in the evening.New Delhi: Delhi Police on Tuesday arrested a person for allegedly giving a pistol to an accused in the Jahangirpuri violence that erupted between members of two groups during a Hanuman Jayanti procession on April 16. According to the police, the person is identified as Gulli. Meanwhile, National Security Act (NSA) was on Tuesday imposed against five culprits involved in the clashes, top government officials said. NSA has been imposed against Ansar, Salim, Imam Sheikh alias Sonu, Dilshad and Ahir for their involvement in the Jahangirpuri violence, officials said. The situation turned tense in the north-west Delhi's Jahangirpuri soon after stone-pelting and chaos ensued following clashes between members of two communities during a Hanuman Jayanti procession in the evening.New Delhi: Delhi Police on Tuesday arrested a person for allegedly giving a pistol to an accused in the Jahangirpuri violence that erupted between members of two groups during a Hanuman Jayanti procession on April 16. According to the police, the person is identified as Gulli. Meanwhile, National Security Act (NSA) was on Tuesday imposed against five culprits involved in the clashes, top government officials said. NSA has been imposed against Ansar, Salim, Imam Sheikh alias Sonu, Dilshad and Ahir for their involvement in the Jahangirpuri violence, officials said. The situation turned tense in the north-west Delhi's Jahangirpuri soon after stone-pelting and chaos ensued following clashes between members of two communities during a Hanuman Jayanti procession in the evening.New Delhi: Delhi Police on Tuesday arrested a person for allegedly giving a pistol to an accused in the Jahangirpuri violence that erupted between members of two groups during a Hanuman Jayanti procession on April 16. According to the police, the person is identified as Gulli. Meanwhile, National Security Act (NSA) was on Tuesday imposed against five culprits involved in the clashes, top government officials said. NSA has been imposed against Ansar, Salim, Imam Sheikh alias Sonu, Dilshad and Ahir for their involvement in the Jahangirpuri violence, officials said. The situation turned tense in the north-west Delhi's Jahangirpuri soon after stone-pelting and chaos ensued following clashes between members of two communities during a Hanuman Jayanti procession in the evening.New Delhi: Delhi Police on Tuesday arrested a person for allegedly giving a pistol to an accused in the Jahangirpuri violence that erupted between members of two groups during a Hanuman Jayanti procession on April 16. According to the police, the person is identified as Gulli. Meanwhile, National Security Act (NSA) was on Tuesday imposed against five culprits involved in the clashes, top government officials said. NSA has been imposed against Ansar, Salim, Imam Sheikh alias Sonu, Dilshad and Ahir for their involvement in the Jahangirpuri violence, officials said. The situation turned tense in the north-west Delhi's Jahangirpuri soon after stone-pelting and chaos ensued following clashes between members of two communities during a Hanuman Jayanti procession in the evening.New Delhi: Delhi Police on Tuesday arrested a person for allegedly giving a pistol to an accused in the Jahangirpuri violence that erupted between members of two groups during a Hanuman Jayanti procession on April 16. According to the police, the person is identified as Gulli. Meanwhile, National Security Act (NSA) was on Tuesday imposed against five culprits involved in the clashes, top government officials said. NSA has been imposed against Ansar, Salim, Imam Sheikh alias Sonu, Dilshad and Ahir for their involvement in the Jahangirpuri violence, officials said. The situation turned tense in the north-west Delhi's Jahangirpuri soon after stone-pelting and chaos ensued following clashes between members of two communities during a Hanuman Jayanti procession in the evening.New Delhi: Delhi Police on Tuesday arrested a person for allegedly giving a pistol to an accused in the Jahangirpuri violence that erupted between members of two groups during a Hanuman Jayanti procession on April 16. According to the police, the person is identified as Gulli. Meanwhile, National Security Act (NSA) was on Tuesday imposed against five culprits involved in the clashes, top government officials said. NSA has been imposed against Ansar, Salim, Imam Sheikh alias Sonu, Dilshad and Ahir for their involvement in the Jahangirpuri violence, officials said. The situation turned tense in the north-west Delhi's Jahangirpuri soon after stone-pelting and chaos ensued following clashes between members of two communities during a Hanuman Jayanti procession in the evening.New Delhi: Delhi Police on Tuesday arrested a person for allegedly giving a pistol to an accused in the Jahangirpuri violence that erupted between members of two groups during a Hanuman Jayanti procession on April 16. According to the police, the person is identified as Gulli. Meanwhile, National Security Act (NSA) was on Tuesday imposed against five culprits involved in the clashes, top government officials said. NSA has been imposed against Ansar, Salim, Imam Sheikh alias Sonu, Dilshad and Ahir for their involvement in the Jahangirpuri violence, officials said. The situation turned tense in the north-west Delhi's Jahangirpuri soon after stone-pelting and chaos ensued following clashes between members of two communities during a Hanuman Jayanti procession in the evening.New Delhi: Delhi Police on Tuesday arrested a person for allegedly giving a pistol to an accused in the Jahangirpuri violence that erupted between members of two groups during a Hanuman Jayanti procession on April 16. According to the police, the person is identified as Gulli. Meanwhile, National Security Act (NSA) was on Tuesday imposed against five culprits involved in the clashes, top government officials said. NSA has been imposed against Ansar, Salim, Imam Sheikh alias Sonu, Dilshad and Ahir for their involvement in the Jahangirpuri violence, officials said. The situation turned tense in the north-west Delhi's Jahangirpuri soon after stone-pelting and chaos ensued following clashes between members of two communities during a Hanuman Jayanti procession in the evening.New Delhi: Delhi Police on Tuesday arrested a person for allegedly giving a pistol to an accused in the Jahangirpuri violence that erupted between members of two groups during a Hanuman Jayanti procession on April 16. According to the police, the person is identified as Gulli. Meanwhile, National Security Act (NSA) was on Tuesday imposed against five culprits involved in the clashes, top government officials said. NSA has been imposed against Ansar, Salim, Imam Sheikh alias Sonu, Dilshad and Ahir for their involvement in the Jahangirpuri violence, officials said. The situation turned tense in the north-west Delhi's Jahangirpuri soon after stone-pelting and chaos ensued following clashes between members of two communities during a Hanuman Jayanti procession in the evening.New Delhi: Delhi Police on Tuesday arrested a person for allegedly giving a pistol to an accused in the Jahangirpuri violence that erupted between members of two groups during a Hanuman Jayanti procession on April 16. According to the police, the person is identified as Gulli. Meanwhile, National Security Act (NSA) was on Tuesday imposed against five culprits involved in the clashes, top government officials said. NSA has been imposed against Ansar, Salim, Imam Sheikh alias Sonu, Dilshad and Ahir for their involvement in the Jahangirpuri violence, officials said. The situation turned tense in the north-west Delhi's Jahangirpuri soon after stone-pelting and chaos ensued following clashes between members of two communities during a Hanuman Jayanti procession in the evening.New Delhi: Delhi Police on Tuesday arrested a person for allegedly giving a pistol to an accused in the Jahangirpuri violence that erupted between members of two groups during a Hanuman Jayanti procession on April 16. According to the police, the person is identified as Gulli. Meanwhile, National Security Act (NSA) was on Tuesday imposed against five culprits involved in the clashes, top government officials said. NSA has been imposed against Ansar, Salim, Imam Sheikh alias Sonu, Dilshad and Ahir for their involvement in the Jahangirpuri violence, officials said. The situation turned tense in the north-west Delhi's Jahangirpuri soon after stone-pelting and chaos ensued following clashes between members of two communities during a Hanuman Jayanti procession in the evening.New Delhi: Delhi Police on Tuesday arrested a person for allegedly giving a pistol to an accused in the Jahangirpuri violence that erupted between members of two groups during a Hanuman Jayanti procession on April 16. According to the police, the person is identified as Gulli. Meanwhile, National Security Act (NSA) was on Tuesday imposed against five culprits involved in the clashes, top government officials said. NSA has been imposed against Ansar, Salim, Imam Sheikh alias Sonu, Dilshad and Ahir for their involvement in the Jahangirpuri violence, officials said. The situation turned tense in the north-west Delhi's Jahangirpuri soon after stone-pelting and chaos ensued following clashes between members of two communities during a Hanuman Jayanti procession in the evening.New Delhi: Delhi Police on Tuesday arrested a person for allegedly giving a pistol to an accused in the Jahangirpuri violence that erupted between members of two groups during a Hanuman Jayanti procession on April 16. According to the police, the person is identified as Gulli. Meanwhile, National Security Act (NSA) was on Tuesday imposed against five culprits involved in the clashes, top government officials said. NSA has been imposed against Ansar, Salim, Imam Sheikh alias Sonu, Dilshad and Ahir for their involvement in the Jahangirpuri violence, officials said. The situation turned tense in the north-west Delhi's Jahangirpuri soon after stone-pelting and chaos ensued following clashes between members of two communities during a Hanuman Jayanti procession in the evening.New Delhi: Delhi Police on Tuesday arrested a person for allegedly giving a pistol to an accused in the Jahangirpuri violence that erupted between members of two groups during a Hanuman Jayanti procession on April 16. According to the police, the person is identified as Gulli. Meanwhile, National Security Act (NSA) was on Tuesday imposed against five culprits involved
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