Having always represented Mumbai Indians (MI) in the Indian Premier League (IPL), March 28 will also mark the first time both Pandya brothers face each other in the IPL when Hardik's Gujarat Titans take on Krunal's Lucknow Super Giants at the Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai. The duo was released by MI after IPL 2021 and Hardik Pandya was roped in by new outfit Gujarat Titans (GT) ahead of the mega auction as their captain. Meanwhile, Krunal Pandya was acquired by Lucknow for Rs 825 crore during the IPL 2022 Auction. Both franchises are currently up against each other in Match 4 and the tournament's official social media handle took to Instagram to share a friendly exchange between the Pandya brothers ahead of the match. Here is the video:
Having always represented Mumbai Indians (MI) in the Indian Premier League (IPL), March 28 will also mark the first time both Pandya brothers face each other in the IPL when Hardik's Gujarat Titans take on Krunal's Lucknow Super Giants at the Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai. The duo was released by MI after IPL 2021 and Hardik Pandya was roped in by new outfit Gujarat Titans (GT) ahead of the mega auction as their captain. Meanwhile, Krunal Pandya was acquired by Lucknow for Rs 825 crore during the IPL 2022 Auction. Both franchises are currently up against each other in Match 4 and the tournament's official social media handle took to Instagram to share a friendly exchange between the Pandya brothers ahead of the match. Here is the video:Having always represented Mumbai Indians (MI) in the Indian Premier League (IPL), March 28 will also mark the first time both Pandya brothers face each other in the IPL when Hardik's Gujarat Titans take on Krunal's Lucknow Super Giants at the Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai. The duo was released by MI after IPL 2021 and Hardik Pandya was roped in by new outfit Gujarat Titans (GT) ahead of the mega auction as their captain. Meanwhile, Krunal Pandya was acquired by Lucknow for Rs 825 crore during the IPL 2022 Auction. Both franchises are currently up against each other in Match 4 and the tournament's official social media handle took to Instagram to share a friendly exchange between the Pandya brothers ahead of the match. Here is the video:Having always represented Mumbai Indians (MI) in the Indian Premier League (IPL), March 28 will also mark the first time both Pandya brothers face each other in the IPL when Hardik's Gujarat Titans take on Krunal's Lucknow Super Giants at the Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai. The duo was released by MI after IPL 2021 and Hardik Pandya was roped in by new outfit Gujarat Titans (GT) ahead of the mega auction as their captain. Meanwhile, Krunal Pandya was acquired by Lucknow for Rs 825 crore during the IPL 2022 Auction. Both franchises are currently up against each other in Match 4 and the tournament's official social media handle took to Instagram to share a friendly exchange between the Pandya brothers ahead of the match. Here is the video:Having always represented Mumbai Indians (MI) in the Indian Premier League (IPL), March 28 will also mark the first time both Pandya brothers face each other in the IPL when Hardik's Gujarat Titans take on Krunal's Lucknow Super Giants at the Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai. The duo was released by MI after IPL 2021 and Hardik Pandya was roped in by new outfit Gujarat Titans (GT) ahead of the mega auction as their captain. Meanwhile, Krunal Pandya was acquired by Lucknow for Rs 825 crore during the IPL 2022 Auction. Both franchises are currently up against each other in Match 4 and the tournament's official social media handle took to Instagram to share a friendly exchange between the Pandya brothers ahead of the match. Here is the video:Having always represented Mumbai Indians (MI) in the Indian Premier League (IPL), March 28 will also mark the first time both Pandya brothers face each other in the IPL when Hardik's Gujarat Titans take on Krunal's Lucknow Super Giants at the Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai. The duo was released by MI after IPL 2021 and Hardik Pandya was roped in by new outfit Gujarat Titans (GT) ahead of the mega auction as their captain. Meanwhile, Krunal Pandya was acquired by Lucknow for Rs 825 crore during the IPL 2022 Auction. Both franchises are currently up against each other in Match 4 and the tournament's official social media handle took to Instagram to share a friendly exchange between the Pandya brothers ahead of the match. Here is the video:Having always represented Mumbai Indians (MI) in the Indian Premier League (IPL), March 28 will also mark the first time both Pandya brothers face each other in the IPL when Hardik's Gujarat Titans take on Krunal's Lucknow Super Giants at the Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai. The duo was released by MI after IPL 2021 and Hardik Pandya was roped in by new outfit Gujarat Titans (GT) ahead of the mega auction as their captain. Meanwhile, Krunal Pandya was acquired by Lucknow for Rs 825 crore during the IPL 2022 Auction. Both franchises are currently up against each other in Match 4 and the tournament's official social media handle took to Instagram to share a friendly exchange between the Pandya brothers ahead of the match. Here is the video:Having always represented Mumbai Indians (MI) in the Indian Premier League (IPL), March 28 will also mark the first time both Pandya brothers face each other in the IPL when Hardik's Gujarat Titans take on Krunal's Lucknow Super Giants at the Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai. The duo was released by MI after IPL 2021 and Hardik Pandya was roped in by new outfit Gujarat Titans (GT) ahead of the mega auction as their captain. Meanwhile, Krunal Pandya was acquired by Lucknow for Rs 825 crore during the IPL 2022 Auction. Both franchises are currently up against each other in Match 4 and the tournament's official social media handle took to Instagram to share a friendly exchange between the Pandya brothers ahead of the match. Here is the video:Having always represented Mumbai Indians (MI) in the Indian Premier League (IPL), March 28 will also mark the first time both Pandya brothers face each other in the IPL when Hardik's Gujarat Titans take on Krunal's Lucknow Super Giants at the Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai. The duo was released by MI after IPL 2021 and Hardik Pandya was roped in by new outfit Gujarat Titans (GT) ahead of the mega auction as their captain. Meanwhile, Krunal Pandya was acquired by Lucknow for Rs 825 crore during the IPL 2022 Auction. Both franchises are currently up against each other in Match 4 and the tournament's official social media handle took to Instagram to share a friendly exchange between the Pandya brothers ahead of the match. Here is the video:Having always represented Mumbai Indians (MI) in the Indian Premier League (IPL), March 28 will also mark the first time both Pandya brothers face each other in the IPL when Hardik's Gujarat Titans take on Krunal's Lucknow Super Giants at the Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai. The duo was released by MI after IPL 2021 and Hardik Pandya was roped in by new outfit Gujarat Titans (GT) ahead of the mega auction as their captain. Meanwhile, Krunal Pandya was acquired by Lucknow for Rs 825 crore during the IPL 2022 Auction. Both franchises are currently up against each other in Match 4 and the tournament's official social media handle took to Instagram to share a friendly exchange between the Pandya brothers ahead of the match. Here is the video:Having always represented Mumbai Indians (MI) in the Indian Premier League (IPL), March 28 will also mark the first time both Pandya brothers face each other in the IPL when Hardik's Gujarat Titans take on Krunal's Lucknow Super Giants at the Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai. The duo was released by MI after IPL 2021 and Hardik Pandya was roped in by new outfit Gujarat Titans (GT) ahead of the mega auction as their captain. Meanwhile, Krunal Pandya was acquired by Lucknow for Rs 825 crore during the IPL 2022 Auction. Both franchises are currently up against each other in Match 4 and the tournament's official social media handle took to Instagram to share a friendly exchange between the Pandya brothers ahead of the match. Here is the video:Having always represented Mumbai Indians (MI) in the Indian Premier League (IPL), March 28 will also mark the first time both Pandya brothers face each other in the IPL when Hardik's Gujarat Titans take on Krunal's Lucknow Super Giants at the Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai. The duo was released by MI after IPL 2021 and Hardik Pandya was roped in by new outfit Gujarat Titans (GT) ahead of the mega auction as their captain. Meanwhile, Krunal Pandya was acquired by Lucknow for Rs 825 crore during the IPL 2022 Auction. Both franchises are currently up against each other in Match 4 and the tournament's official social media handle took to Instagram to share a friendly exchange between the Pandya brothers ahead of the match. Here is the video:Having always represented Mumbai Indians (MI) in the Indian Premier League (IPL), March 28 will also mark the first time both Pandya brothers face each other in the IPL when Hardik's Gujarat Titans take on Krunal's Lucknow Super Giants at the Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai. The duo was released by MI after IPL 2021 and Hardik Pandya was roped in by new outfit Gujarat Titans (GT) ahead of the mega auction as their captain. Meanwhile, Krunal Pandya was acquired by Lucknow for Rs 825 crore during the IPL 2022 Auction. Both franchises are currently up against each other in Match 4 and the tournament's official social media handle took to Instagram to share a friendly exchange between the Pandya brothers ahead of the match. Here is the video:Having always represented Mumbai Indians (MI) in the Indian Premier League (IPL), March 28 will also mark the first time both Pandya brothers face each other in the IPL when Hardik's Gujarat Titans take on Krunal's Lucknow Super Giants at the Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai. The duo was released by MI after IPL 2021 and Hardik Pandya was roped in by new outfit Gujarat Titans (GT) ahead of the mega auction as their captain. Meanwhile, Krunal Pandya was acquired by Lucknow for Rs 825 crore during the IPL 2022 Auction. Both franchises are currently up against each other in Match 4 and the tournament's official social media handle took to Instagram to share a friendly exchange between the Pandya brothers ahead of the match. Here is the video:Having always represented Mumbai Indians (MI) in the Indian Premier League (IPL), March 28 will also mark the first time both Pandya brothers face each other in the IPL when Hardik's Gujarat Titans take on Krunal's Lucknow Super Giants at the Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai. The duo was released by MI after IPL 2021 and Hardik Pandya was roped in by new outfit Gujarat Titans (GT) ahead of the mega auction as their captain. Meanwhile, Krunal Pandya was acquired by Lucknow for Rs 825 crore during the IPL 2022 Auction. Both franchises are currently up against each other in Match 4 and the tournament's official social media handle took to Instagram to share a friendly exchange between the Pandya brothers ahead of the match. Here is the video:Having always represented Mumbai Indians (MI) in the Indian Premier League (IPL), March 28 will also mark the first time both Pandya brothers face each other in the IPL when Hardik's Gujarat Titans take on Krunal's Lucknow Super Giants at the Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai. The duo was released by MI after IPL 2021 and Hardik Pandya was roped in by new outfit Gujarat Titans (GT) ahead of the mega auction as their captain. Meanwhile, Krunal Pandya was acquired by Lucknow for Rs 825 crore during the IPL 2022 Auction. Both franchises are currently up against each other in Match 4 and the tournament's official social media handle took to Instagram to share a friendly exchange between the Pandya brothers ahead of the match. Here is the video:Having always represented Mumbai Indians (MI) in
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